The Fight for Control pt 2

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Previously on Words Hurt~

As I ran I looked back at Super to see him fighting Dark as more tears were in his eyes I looked away and kept running as I felt a huge blast come from behind but still I ran.

The fight for control had just begun and I was the target.

No pov~

As everyone was doing their part in helping find a cure for Sonic sirens were going off throughout the building.

"What's going on?" Zonic asked as everyone was now in the hallway a zone cop came that looked just like Knuckles.

"Zonic sir, he's here our man are holding him back as much as we can but he's too strong, what are your orders?" he asked as the building started to shack as a blast came from above.

"Gather every strong cop we have" he commanded looking to his left and to everyone else "Zhadow... let's go to war" he said as the three zone cops left to hold Mephiles back.

"Wait what should we do," Blaze asked, "guard Sonic from the inside I'll guard the door on the outside Tails and Zails you can start making the cure inside with the others," Shadow said as everyone nodded heading to sector nine where Sonic was kept.


"Zonic sir do you think we can stop him?" Zilver asked as the blast got louder.

"If we work together as a unit..." He was cut off as a blast hit the barricaded door "sir he's going to try and break down the door" Zector said running to them.

"There is no way he can break through that door it's made with the strongest medal in No-Zone," Znuckles said crossing his arms.

But the blast were getting stronger, everyone ready to fight for their home and to protect their new friends.

Back with the others~

"Are you almost done Sonic doesn't look too good?" Amy asked as they looked to him, his fur was changing color from Super to his regular form.

"We're trying as much as we can Amy but this takes time," Tails said handing Zails a tube "but time is something we don't have right now," she responded.

"Amy listen I know you're worried but we have to be patient," Silver spoke.

"How can you be so calm when a demon is trying to break in and take Sonic away and turn him into a monster!" she yelled with anger.

"Amy calm down Sonic my be unconscious but I'm sure he can sense when something is wrong if we give off a sense of panic it might set him off" Sonic Boom explained to her.

"I'm sure blue is fine if I know him, he's probably giving his destructive form a good beat down," Scourge said with confidence.

Back with Sonic~

Sonic pov~

As I was catching my breath I felt something crawling up my legs I looked down to see it was some type of gooey puddle like substance I bent down to try and get a better look at the gooey substance only for it to lunge at me, I tried to break out of it till I felt it moving it was holding me by my arms and legs.

"I told you my little rose your mine" I looked around trying to see where he was "Mephiles come out!" I yelled not expecting him to appear in front of me.

"You like my little trick?" he asked looking at me "let me go," I said trying again to break free "it's no use my rose the only way you're getting out is if you join me," he said getting closer to me.

"I'll never join you" this time I was able to lunge my head forward head budding him as he hissed "feisty little rose I guess I should fix that," he said this time parting my legs I panicked.

"No, stop what are you doing get away from me," I said trying to break out even more.

"Stop squirming I'm not going to claim you," he said as I felt a tiny bit of relief "not yet at least" when he said that I felt my heart drop 'I can't let him get away with this there must be a way to break free' I thought.

I felt negative energy flow threw me "Mephiles, please you don't know what you're doing if you let him out he'll destroy everything including you" I tried to reason with him.

"Sonic fight back" I heard someone whisper in my ear as I felt pure energy enter me "fight back," it said again I knew who it was it was Super he was giving me his energy.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as I turned Super, when I opened my eyes again I was seeing everyone outside of the glass cell.

No pov~

As Sonic became conscious again everyone looked at him shocked to see he was in his Super form in a quick movement he was standing in front of them.

"Sonic are you ok?" Knuckles asked walking to him "I'm ending this," he said starting to walk to the door only to be stopped by Shadow.

"And where do you think you're going," he said "I'm not running anymore I'm going to face him," he replied looking at him with a straight face.

"Then I'm going with you," Shadow said "me too he can't take all three of us" Silver added "thanks but I need to do this if either of you got hurt I couldn't forgive myself he's stronger than before" Super Sonic exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Rouge asked "he's using a clone to distract the others so he can get to me he's somewhere else in the building," he explained.

"You're such a clever rose I thought Dark took care of that Super form of yours but I guess he was too weak to finish the job," Mephiles said appearing in front of everyone.

"I will not let you near Sonic you may have corrupted the one I love but you will not corrupt me," Super said in control now taking a fighting stance.

"We'll see about that" Mephiles said charging at Super as he blocked his attack doing a quick backflip kicking him in the face sending him towards the wall.

"Shadow get everyone out of here leave him to me I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep Sonic safe" Super said creating a barrier to block Mephiles while the others escaped.

"I'll be back once I get them out," he said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek "that's for Sonic be careful till I get back" all Super did was nod his head as he looked back at Mephiles.

I hope everyone is enjoying the story and staying safe.

What happened to Dark, will Super be able to stop Mephiles, will shadow get back in time to help, can tails and Zails finish the cure in time or will it be to late find out in the next chapter till next time. 🙏

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