Fleetway's Past Pt 2

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No pov-

That morning when the sun started to rise one of the Guardians saw the child, as she was coming up the steps "Mary, there's a child at the temple," she said quickly picking him up and making sure he was still alive "oh thank chaos, you're ok" she held him close happy that the child did not suffer any ill will during the storm.

"Olivia, we must take him to the Elders" Mary exclaimed looking at the child questioningly "but they'll just throw him back to those savages, he is special I can tell he is a miracle child," Olivia said taking the child down the steps and to the garden that was nearby.

But her time with the child did not last, as Mary went to get the Elders letting them know the situation "that child isn't an ordinary child. It's fur is a gold color, there isn't a person or creature on the planet that is gold like this child" she explained to them, as they reached the garden.

"Olivia, a word my child... If you please" the Grand Elder asked, as she emerged with the child in her arms the Elders were amazed the child did have gold-colored fur and they could see the red swirls in the child's eyes "his name is Fleetway, I believe he's a miracle child" she said holding him close.

"My dear, what you hold in your arms is a child of destruction, he must be taken back to his family," one of the Elders said, "no if you give him back to that cruel world he is certain to become like them, please... Grand Elder allow me to raise the child" she begged.

"Are you sure my child, your husband has yet to return from his mission, are you certain you can care for this child on your, own?" He asked her, knowing she couldn't bure a child he decided to give her this chance knowing it would mean so much to her, "yes Grand Elder, and don't worry about Thorin, I'm sure he'll be thrilled" Olivia tried to assure him "very well the child is yours, make sure to teach him our ways and keep him from going to the outside world it's not safe for him" the Grand Elder said before turning to leave.

Overjoyed Olivia quickly took him home to set up the extra room they had in her home so Fleetway could have his own room.

Two months later-

Thorin pov-

I had finally finished my mission in researching the scrolls the Grand Elder asked me to find for him, upon reaching home I saw two stones at the ocean's edge reading 'here lays John and Emily, my they rest in peace and their son be found safe and sound' I didn't think much of it as I chaos control up to the temple. I was one of the few on the island who can use chaos energy, as most of my people did not poses enough chaos energy to use chaos, I made it to the Grand Elder "my son, you finally come home" he said with a smile "of course, I bring back the scrolls you asked" I told him handing him the scrolls.

"Very good, but you should hurry back home Olivia has a special uh... Surprise for you" the Grand Elder told me, at first I was hesitant, but I nodded and rushed home to my wife.

As I made it home, I opened the door "Olivia, I'm home," I heard nothing "Olivia..." I called out once more still nothing. I started checking around the house looking into our room and she wasn't there, I went into the extra room to see it was changed into a nursery, shock came over me as I looked to the crib and inside was a golden hedgehog sleeping soundly "Thorin... Your home" I heard my wife say from behind me, as she came to hug me "what is going on?" I asked her.

"This is Fleetway our new son, I believe he is a miracle child and the Grand Elder allowed me to raise him" she explained, but I couldn't stop looking at the child.

I thought back to the scrolls I gave the Grand Elder and the prediction of this being that was different from anything you could ever see, an immortal that could destroy everything around it "Olivia he can't stay on Angel Island" I told her "what... Why he hasn't done anything wrong... He is staying" she argued back, I sighed knowing my wife was right the child is innocent an once she had her mindset on something, there was no talking her out of it.

"Ok, my love, I won't argue with you," I told her hugging her back "I know he'll be an excellent son, the Grand Elder said we need to teach him our ways and keep him safe from the outside world" she explained to me.

No pov-

As time went by Fleetway grow up learning the ways of his adopted parents, he became so loving, an giving of others, and stood up for those, who couldn't do it for themselves. He was now eight years old, and he was outside playing with the other echidna's when his father summoned him.

"Fleetway can I talk to you for a minute?" Thorin asked "of course, Dad what is it" he replied, "my son, you know your mother hasn't been feeling well, right?" He asked him "yes, you told me to take care of her when you had to go away," Fleetway said.

"Yes I did and you've done very well an I'm very proud of you, but I'm afraid... She doesn't have much time... She would like to see you" Thorin explained to him the best way anyone could tell an eight-year-old that his mother was dying.

As they left to go back home Fleetway felt sad, he did not want to lose his mother, she was always so kind and gentle with him and she would even sing to him when he was scared. Once inside he went straight to his mother's side "mommy, please don't go..." he started tearing up "my love (cough, cough) listen to me, I know you're sad, but now you need (cough, cough) to be strong... I want you to promise me something" she tried to say through coughing.

"Why, you're going to be with me," Fleetway said trying to hold back his tears "Fleetway, my golden star... I'll always be with you even though you can't see me (cough, cough)" she had another coughing fit "what do you mean can't see you... I can always see you... You're going to get better, I can take care of you, mommy, please... Stay with me" he begged, holding her close not wanting to let her go.

"My love do you remember the song... I would sing to you when you're sad or scared?" he nodded (cough, cough) "can you sing it with me?" his mother asked rubbing his head.

"Castaway your worries, my dear
For tomorrow comes a new day

Hold to me, you've nothing to fear
For your dreams are not far away

As you lay your head and you rest
May your dreams take over, my love

Listen close, my son of the west
For your destiny lies above

Though the world is cruel
There's a light that still shines

In the darkest days of our lives
When all hope seems lost and you can't find your way

Think of me as you look to the sky
Child mine, your future is bright
For your father's blood's in your veins

In dark times, I pray you will fight
For the world will soon know your name."

They sang in unison as Thorin watched with sad eyes "honey isn't there something you want to give to Fleetway" he reminded her "yes, my love I want you to have this" she said putting a necklace around his neck an in the middle was a small red chaos emerald "this piece belongs to the red emerald protect it and think of me as you wear it" she told him.

"Mommy, please stay with me... I can take care of you... Please" Fleetway begged holding her hands "my love, it's time for me to rest, but I want you to promise me you'll (cough, cough) won't lose sight of what's important and fight for what is right... Can you do that for me" he nodded looking down till he couldn't feel her heartbeat.

"Mommy... Mommy, please... don't go Mommy" he cried trying to wake her, but his father grabbed him hugging him close as the nurse Guardians came in "NO, she's not dead... Mommy... Please... MOMMY!" you could hear him scream out trying to get out of his father's grip to go back to her side, as he took him to the living room.

"Son calm down... Shhhh... Take deep breaths" Thorin soothed him by rubbing his head, humming the song his wife would always sing to him putting him to sleep. Not long after the news spread about Olivia's passing and there was a knock at the door.

"My son, may we come in?" The Grand Elder asked, as he moved aside for them to come in "how are you and Fleetway," one of the Elders asked as they came to give their condolences "fine for now he's resting, I've never seen a child fight so hard before like he did, though he's not our biological son, he loved her as his own mother, I've never had to hold back such a strong kid, he showed true love and care for my wife," he told them as he looked to Fleetway's room.

"The boy will look to you now my son, you must continue to teach and protect him, I sense a dark path in his future" the Grand Elder spoke patting him on the shoulder before taking his leave.

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