"You're rude, bossy, controlling and old." I reply without thinking. I can go on too, there are a lot of faults with Nickolas.

"How would you know any of that?" he asks.
"We used to hang out occasionally when we were younger."
"That was years ago, when my parents spoiled me regularly and I didn't know how to be a good leader. I'm not rude or bossy!"

"You're still controlling and definitely old."
"I'm not old, you're just young." He replies, making me laugh.

"That I am. I guess I also hate the fact that my mate is someone I don't really know, and that I met him at this age. I'm still in high school, I can't even drive, I've never even had a part time job!" How am I supposed to get through my golden years as a rambunctious teenager?

"What's stopping you from experiencing all that?" I stare at him in shock.
"You're going to let me leave in the afternoons to go work in a mall? And let me borrow your car?"
"No, probably not." He answers, causing us both to laugh.

"Time for a serious question."
"No. Serious stuff annoys the hell out of me."
"All right, you can joke around. When can I expect to mate with you?"

I let my jaw drop at this. What the hell is he thinking?

"I am barely 15 years old and you're an adult! And a fucking horny one at that! Can you even go a day without thinking about your dick? Or at least let me finish a meal without having to think about that?"

"You may be an Alpha, but there is no way you're getting in my pants, fucking pedophile." 
"I'm gonna go with 3 years." He replies. This idiot.

I raise my arm to slap him once again, but he blocks it.

"Calm down. I'm waiting as long as it takes." He assures me. Fine, he can wait as long as he wants for something that will never, ever happen.

"Besides, I'm only six years older than you. I'm not old. Imagine if I met you when I was supposed to. When you were twelve and I was eighteen. I don't think you'd enjoy mating at that age."

He walks over to the TV and turns it on. Opening a shelf, he reveals several video game consoles.

"Pick one. Or a movie from Netflix." I pick out my favorite series. Don't judge me.

From the cart of food, Nickolas pulls out a tub of popcorn and some soda. He grabs some blankets and hands them to me while we watch the shows, making sure he stays sitting on the other end of the couch.


Lexi falls asleep on the couch, with her feet propped up on the coffee table. I stand up, pull the blanket to cover her small body, move her feet to the other end of the couch, and shut off the TV. I quietly unlock the doors before stepping out.

"No one goes in or out." I order the guard by the door. 
"Yes, Alpha."

I walk down the stairs and leave my house, before going over to Lexi's previous home for the second time today. I walk in without knocking and automatically walk to the 3rd floor to the room across the hall from Lexi's. I found out from some other wolves that this is Aaron's room.

Without knocking, I open the door and meet Aaron. The boy laying on an unmade bed looks so different from the boy I saw kissing my mate yesterday.

Aaron looks as if he's been through hell, his eyes bloodshot and his hair appears to be a rat's nest.

The room itself is just a big mess and the trash can was filled with used tissues. Clothes are thrown all over the floor and a plate of untouched food sits on his dresser.

"Alpha." He greets me with a weak voice. I simply duck my head and place my hands on my hips before sighing.

"Is this because of Lexi?" He doesn't answer me; we both already know what his response should be.

"I'm sorry. It's just..." He trails off.

"You really love her." I finish. "I know, because I love her after just one day."

"She has that effect on people." Aaron manages a weak chuckle.

"I get what you mean. She's funny but serious, and I find her mood swings to be adorable."

"She's smart, and beautiful, and innocent."

Aaron sniffs some more.

"And she's mine." I state seriously. Awkward moments pass by.

"I know, Alpha."

"I just want to be her friend." He says.

"I know. And you still can be, after I mark and mate with her. And as long as I'm always beside her."

"I understand."

"You're supposed to be one of my Beta's, correct?" I change the subject.

"Yes, in less then 3 years."

"I would like to maintain a a friendship with my second in commands. That means you, Liam and Mikey."

"Yeah." is his short reply.

"I think we can manage to work this out and be strong leaders." I give him a firm smiles

"Of course."

Aaron isn't entirely at fault here; Lexi is a second born Beta. Technically, she's the perfect mate for a boy like Aaron. But she's not. She's the mate on an Alpha. There was no way Aaron could've predicted what's happening.

"You seem like a good kid. This is your one and only warning: Lexi is mine, today and forever. If I ever see you touching what's mine again, you will be declared a rogue. And I will personally kill you. Understood?"

"Yes, Alpha." He wipes his eyes.

"Call me Nickolas; we should be friends. I'm glad we had this talk." I say, before leaving. 

Young Mate (Wattys2016)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin