1-800-Cinderella (12)

Start from the beginning

He cocked his head to the side and then let out a little chuckle. “You’re really fucked up right now. I hope Frank can get a call through.”

“This star looks like Mulan,” I whispered, pointing up at a random bunch of stars.

“That’s really great, Cindy. Shh, stop talking.” He patted my hand and then froze as I froze. Trevoroppolis was touching me! I smiled and he began to caress my hair, calming me down. I snuggled into his lap, laying my head on his chest. “Uh, hi there.” He gave a tight lipped smile.

“You’re warm…” I snuggled closer.

“I guess you should knock into trees more often, you’re much nicer.” His hand was such a comfort. Ooh, something shiny coming up ahead! I leaned into it and Trevor pulled me back, his body rigid. “Shh, don’t move.”

The light grew closer and my heart began to beat faster and faster with its arrival. “The lights, the lights, the lights, the lights, the lights, the lights, the lights, the lights,” I sang.

“Are you kidding me? You’re singing off that stupid commercial? Shush!” Trevor hissed at me.

The light waved frantically around and a woman emerged. “Are you guys okay? It’s awful late and it’s getting quite chilly out here.” The woman was dressed in some ranger gear or something.

“Are you a part of the Go Diego Go ranger rescue team?” I gasped.

“Excuse her, she hit her head on this tree and we need to get her help. I think she may have head trauma or something.” Trevor cleared his throat.

“I can get you to a hospital in my patrol car. Come with me,” the lady said, smiling warmly.

“Stranger danger! Stranger danger! Stranger danger!” I screamed. Trevor put a hand over my mouth and laughed awkwardly.

“Let’s hurry,” the lady mumbled and headed back in the direction she came in. Frankiepoo came back through the trees, his head bowed.

“I can’t get a signal, sorry guys.” He sighed.

“It’s okay, we have help now. Just follow me,” Trevor ordered. He looked down at me. “Can you walk?”

“All I need is my two left feet, and my two front teeth,” I sang. Trevor rolled his eyes and hefted me into his arms. “Hey! Rape! Rape!”

“I’m going to knock you into another tree if you don’t stop.” Trevor’s voice was like steel.

I purred. “Ooh, I don’t want Trevoroppolis to be mad at me. I’ll be a good girl.” I winked.

He blinked at me, his eyes wide with surprise. “We really need to get you to a hospital.”

The car was crowded with Go Diego Go Ranger Explorer driving, her PIC (Partner in crime) next to her in the passenger seat looking like Dora and Trevoroppolis, Frankiepoo, and I in the backseat.

“Swiper no swiping!” I giggled. Trevor bit back a smile and Frankiepoo rolled his eyes. “Are we there yet?”

“Not too far now, dear.” Go Diego Go Explorer smiled at me.

“Your teeth are like individual sticks of butter,” I blurted out. Trevoroppolis gasped and smacked me in the arm. Go Diego Go Explorer’s face turned hard like stone and she turned back around. Whew! At least her eyes are on the road now. “Ow!” I hissed.

“Way to go, that was two minutes later,” Frankiepoo muttered.

“Love me Frankiepoo!” I squealed.

“Someone kill me.”

“Here we are.” Go Diego Go Explorer parked the car and glared at me through the rearview mirror.

“Mirrors are the window to the soul,” I whispered.

Trevor narrowed his eyes. “Um, it’s eyes are the windows to the soul.”

“But eyes aren’t see through eyes like mirrors.” I pouted.

“You can’t see through a mirror, Cindy!” Frankiepoo yelled.

“Yes you can!”

“Nuh uh!”

“Yes huh!” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You can’t!”

“Can too!”





“Shut up!” Trevoroppolis boomed. All fell silent. “Now, come on so you can get checked out at the hospital.” He lifted me from the car and into the anesthetic smelling, bright light blaring hospital. I cringed. “What’s wrong?” he whispered.

“I don’t like hospitals,” I whined.

“Shh, you’ll be okay.”

“Trevor, I’m scared.”

“Hey, you said my name right this time.” He smiled.

I clutched onto him. “Don’t let them get me!”

“Shh, Cindy.”

I shivered and a woman in scrubs came over, rolling a wheelchair with her. “I’ll take her from here.” The lady smiled. I shuddered. Trevor sat me in the wheelchair and I clutched onto his hand, eyes wide. He gave me a reassuring smile and slipped his hand from mine.

With a gulp, I watched as Trevor slipped farther and farther from my view. My head started to throb and I groaned, putting a hand to my head. The nurse’s lips pressed into a hard line and she rolled me faster to a room, lifting me with ease and setting me onto the bed.

I looked down at the controls and started pressing them all. Up, down, up, down, up, down…Too much up, my body was scrunched. Down, up, up, up, up, down, down, down! I clapped. This was so much fun!

Someone cleared their throat from the doorway and I blushed, finding the doctor standing with amusement on his face. Oh, this doctor was smoking. He had blonde hair cropped on his head, clear blue eyes, and he was tall. Yummy. I approve of this…man? I busted out laughing.

“Care to share what’s funny?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, hi, I’m…Cindy?” I cocked my head to the side. “Yeah, Cindy.” I chuckled.

“I think you hit your head pretty hard, Cindy.” He smiled.

“Did I?” My giggles wouldn’t stop.

“I believe so. Let’s see, darling.”

My heart fluttered at his words and then his hand was on my head, probing. “Date me!” I blurted.

Shit. I said that aloud.

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