"Hayley Monahan just the the person I wanted to see."  His deep voice sent shivers down my back as I bit my bottom lip knowing that this would probably be my end.

By this time tomorrow Kayla would know I failed her and my parent's would probably wonder what had happened to me.

Hopefully Kayla can explain to them that what we were doing was for all man-kind and that I died in a life deserving war between good and evil.

And what am I talking about....

I turned around and faced the owner of the voice and saw Holden Kane in front of me.  I was assuming he would look confused or even angry but, he just looked as calm and composed as ever.

"Oh my god, this isn't the bathroom."  I said standing up abruptly and looking around the room.

Holden raised an eyebrow at me and pointed towards the bathroom door in the room.

"Did you not see the one right there?"  He asked and I shook my head thinking of something to make this seem normal.

"God I didn't realize I was that drunk."  I laughed it off as I walked off to his bathroom throwing in a fake stumble along the way. 

Yes, I may have been tipsy before but, that was thrown off when I talked to Adam.

When I got into the bathroom I locked the door behind me and starred at myself in the mirror.

My blue eyes starring back at me asking me what I should do and I had no idea.

Maybe if I stayed in here long enough he would leave but, since it is his room and I'm trespassing probably not.

I took a deep breath and tied my hair in a loose ponytail to calm myself. 

I had to keep my cool. 

With one last look of my eyeliner I slowly unlocked the door and walked back into his bedroom.

When I walked out I was shocked to see Holden slipping a dark blue button up over his shoulders and what I was more shocked to see was that he had seriously great abs. 

He was unaware of my presence for a few seconds and I took that moment to gawk at his chiseled chest as he continued to button up his shirt.

Then he did something I wasn't expecting. 

He chuckled.

"Go ahead, I don't mind you looking.  I actually kind of enjoy it."  My face turned into a tomato as I just stood in place frozen.

"Why are you changing anyways?"  I asked still flustered and Holden looked up at me after finishing dressing himself.

"Paige came up to me and tossed a drink at me.  It was bright red and I was wearing a white shirt."  Holden explained and then picked up a white shirt wit a big red stain in the center off the floor and tossed it to me. 

I grabbed it and and laughed not really knowing what to do at the moment as I fumbled with the fabric in my hands. 

"Sure, sure.  Laugh it up."  Holden walked over to me and I caught my breath once more as we were only inches apart and he leaned in closer to me.

My heart was beating out of my chest as silence filled the room and all I could hear was music blarring from downstairs and the faint breathing of Holden as his lips came closer to my ear.

"Now what are you doing in my room?"  His lips faintly brushed against my ear as he pulled away and I think my heart actually stopped beating for a few seconds as we made eye contact and the shirt fell from my hands.

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