Chapter 23

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Percy POV

So, I raised Riptide towards him in a challenging motion and said,
"You, me , to the end"
And then I charged towards him.

When I first fought Kronos, it was when he was ' occupying ' Luke's body. I had thought that the Titan Lord used Luke's swordsmanship skills. But I couldn't be more wrong. If Luke was good, Kronos was at the level of world champion. His skills clearly outclassed mine. Not by a long shot, mind you, but still better.

He had a counter to every move of mine. He had also unfortunately regained all his memories of Luke's fighting skills, thus making him even more formidable.

I struck at Kronos. He sliced downward with his scythe. I leaped back, and the evil blade missed by an inch, cutting a gash in the deck right between my feet. I kicked Kronos in the chest. He stumbled backward. Kronos swung his scythe again. I intercepted with Riptide, but his strike was so powerful, my blade could only deflect it. The edge of the scythe shaved off my shirtsleeve and grazed my arm. It shouldn't have been a serious cut, but the entire side of my body exploded with pain. I remembered what a sea demon had once said about Kronos's scythe: Careful, fool. One touch, and the blade will sever your soul from your body. Now I understood what he meant. I wasn't just losing blood. I could feel my strength, my will, my identity draining away. I stumbled backwards, and  sidestepped and jabbed under Kronos's guard. It was a good trick. Unfortunately, he knew it. He countered the strike and disarmed me.  My sword skittered across the ground and fell straight into an open fissure. “the time for your demise has come jacckson!” he bellowed. I knew I would have riptide back but till then I had to stall for time.  So I did what I knew best for these situations(courtesy of Annabeth) , I mocked him. “ I highly disagree. Cause a dolt like you needed to come back in time for killing a mere demigod.”

and the pompous ass fell for it , again. i felt riptide returning to me. but what he said next made me boil in anger."i am going to end you just like the other demigods , just like your friends,just like Annabeth."

wrong move bitch. i lost it. i uncapped riptide and swung it at him, aiming for the neck.  he stumbled at the last moment but not fast enough for riptide to make a cut at the left shoulder. he hissed in pain. but without wasting time i attacked again. we started exchanging blows. hearing annabeths name ignited the fire of revenge buried inside of me. after 10 mins of fighting he was able to push me, distancing ourselves from eachother. he had bleeding slashes over his arms and legs. but to my credit i only had a few cuts here and there.

We both were panting but the adrenaline and anger made me statlet striking again.

Slowly because of bloodloss and fatigue kronos's movements slowed down. We were using our time powers and it was taking a toll on us but more on him. this was it. He was starting to get weak. I took this chance and disarmed him. Before he could register what was happening I plunged his scythe in thigh. It pierced right through the thigh and in the ground. His reaction was priceless. He was stuck on the floor roaring in pain, kneeling in front of me. The fight stopped, everything was silent. Every eye on us. Anticipating our next moves. No one dared to move.he was struggling was in pain. His misery was my pleasure. I grabbed hi throat and squeezed it making him look at my face . Annabeth's face came in front of my eyes.
"You killed Luke,my friends,my camp. I promised your death. I'll make sure u rot in the void forever." I took half a step back, looked him in his fear filled eyes. "This is for annabeth." I said and stabbed him exactly in his heart.

I know it is a short chapter, but what can I say? Due to a family emergency, had to go to my mom's city. So, I decided to give a chapter rather than epilogue. Will post the epilogue next and then concentrate on my other story.

Also, to those who have read my other story, anyone guess who Ikol is?

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