Chapter 19

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Percy POV

I had just finished comforting the six gods .
Who knew Zeus was such a big Mama's boy.
Maybe it was because he had stayed with his mother the longest, while the others were trapped in a smelly cave (Kronos's stomach).

The three girls were still sobbing messes. Metis was also visibly deflated. Rhea was after all her favorite aunt. A bright flash of light caused us to turn around to inspect the reason. I jumped to my legs, uncapping riptide when I saw Oceanus standing not even fifteen foot from me. He looked unfazed by my actions and spoke in a cold tone." Put the sword down boy, I have not come to fight you. I come with a message from my younger brother. "

Turning his gaze away from me to Metis, he spoke,
" Hello daughter. How are you doing? Even though the council is reluctant , I have convinced them to give you a chance at redemption. You will not be punished for your traitorous actions. Join us daughter. Become the Titan I wished you would become."

"Where were you when that brute Atlas tried to rape me? You say you care for me. Only aunt Rhea came to save me from that big bastard. So no father, I will never join you, even if I get killed. " She spat

Oceanus's face grew red. He was about to say something, but bit his lip at the last moment. Looking at me, he spoke," Kronos has sent this message that if you want to see Rhea alive, you have to surrender. The six gods and Metis will be spared. You, Perseus will become an eternal servant to Lord Kronos. Otherwise, Rhea's head will be sent to you on a silver platter. "

Everyone seemed conflicted at this offer. They must be thinking about Kronos sparing
them. But I knew first-hand that Kronos was the cruellest Titan next to Atlas. He would never spare the others. But I also had to figure out a way to rescue Lady Rhea. Thats  when an idea popped in my head. I remembered the lessons about the Titans that Annabeth used to give me. She had said that the Titans were even more egoistic than the gods. Hurt their egos and you could easily manipulate them into making rash decisions.

" Is Kronos really that scared of us eight weak beings that he has to capture his own wife to make us surrender? Now I get the real reason why Rhea abandoned Kronos. He is a coward. " I spoke in a mocking tone.

Oceanus clenched his fists but didn't say anything.

Continuing, I said," How about a challenge? I challenge the Titans. Let's have a duel between me and your champion, one week from now. If I win, you release lady Rhea and let us leave peacefully. Plus, you give us one month of peace. If I lose, I die, and the gods surrender. The duel will be to death. No one will interfere in the duel. No powers allowed. Go and inform your council of this challenge. I hope the council is not cowardly like your stupid king."

He narrowed his eyes ,but flashed out without saying a word. I turned around to see the six gods looking at me in horror, hit Metis had a thoughtful look on her face. It changed into a smile and she gasped in realization. Maybe she had understood the politics behind my challenge.

" That was a brilliant move Percy. The council's ego will surely be hurt by this and they will accept the challenge. This will give us a chance to eliminate their strongest fighter, plus free aunty from those monsters. Also, it will give us  one month to plan our attack."

I nodded as a look of realization passed the other gods faces. " Not that I don't  trust you, but how are you so sure that you will win the fight, Percy?" Asked Hades. Always the calculative one.

" Well, I hope you heard my terms for the challenge. It clearly stated that powers can't be used. It means that it will be purely based on skills. I am sure that the council will either make Atlas , Iapetus or Hyperion fight me as they are undoubtedly the best fighters amongst them. Hyperion will not be much of an issue as he relies on his light powers in battle. My skills are much superior to his skills in combat. Iapetus may be a problem, but I have trained with Tartarus in fighting against a spear, so that will not be lethal. Only Atlas has the ability to match me in hand to hand combat. But, he won't be able to use his domain of strength and endurance to fight. This will be a big disadvantage for him. Even Kronos knows that this will most probably be won by us, but he won't be able to convince the council, as it will be humiliating to their honour."

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