Chapter 5

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Percy POV

'Man, this sucks' I thought as I was pulled into the vortex. I was still not sure what kind of curse Kronos had put on me , but judging from his mood and anger, it surely wasn't gonna be a doorway to a place which sold hot  chocolate, hmmm it would be great if the hot chocolate was blue but   .Damn you ADHD.

It felt like my soul was ripped out of my body as I couldn't even feel my limbs. All I could see around me was the swirling darkness of the portal.

My thoughts settled on the events of the past few days. So many horrifying events had taken place that I couldn't even remember them all. It felt as if we had been fighting for months, even though only about a week had passed.

The first casualty that we had faced had been in the form of Miranda Gardener who had been stabbed in the back by an enemy demigod while she was fighting the chimera. We had lost 12 demigods to the Lydian drakon, where Silena Beauregard, the head councilor of the Aphrodite cabin had sacrificed herself so that the Ares cabin could join the war.

In total, we had lost 21 out of the 40 demigods and 12 out of 35 hunters.
Just thinking about all these deaths sent a pang of pain through my heart. A year escape my eye as I thought of how Grover and Annabeth had died in front of my eyes . I hadn't even been able to bid them a final goodbye.

But most of all I was satisfied that even though I was most likely going to die, I had been able to save my family from that bastard of a titan king.

Finally after what felt like hours , I saw a glimmer of light in front of me, but just as I was about to reach the end of the vortex, I was pulled into the side. A sense of panic filled my heart as I thought that something must have gone even more wrong than things already were.

A bright flash caused me to close my eyes . As the light dimmed to normal, I slowly found that I was sitting in a chair in a small room. The room was not that impressive, but as I looked around, I saw a spindle from which a piece of thread was hanging.

I was thoroughly confused as to why someone would keep only a spindle in a room. But all my doubts turned to pure fear when I turned around and came face to face with three old ladies holding mean looking clubs in their hands.

I jumped about 5 feet in the air and screamed in a 'manly' way,( which I am not at all proud of.)

The Fates just laughed at my antics and said together in a voice that sent chills down my spine, " Perseus Jackson, have a seat,  we have much to discuss."

(A/N  Please comment your views of the story and plot till now and also some powers that percy will get)

Percy Jackson- The Cursed HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora