Chapter 9

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Percy POV

As the gods weren't accustomed to flash- travelling,  we decided to make the journey by walking.  Zeus was leading the way, speaking to dad about Chaos knows what.  It seemed like they were arguing about whether the sea was better or the sky was. Morons, I
thought to myself. Hades was speaking to Hestia. I kind of expected it because I had heard my dad tell me that out of the six, Hades and Hestia shared the strongest sibling bond.

Demeter was walking alone, and squealing with excitement when she saw any and every type of plant. I was getting annoyed by this and I could tell that so were the other gods. I was trailing at the back of the group, thinking about our slim chances on facing 16 titans and winning.

As I was deep in thought,  I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I turned my head to see Hera looking at me with a small smile, but her eyes showed worry. I took the time to take in her facial features.  She looked a lot more beautiful and cheerful than her future self. She snapped her fingers to get my attention. "Sorry to disturb you, but I have a feeling that we both are thinking about the same thing. You are worried about our chances in the war right?" She asked.

I was taken aback but quickly regained my composure and nodded. With a sigh, I said," Yeah. Even though I am a god , I can only face about 2 titans at a time and hope to win. I have a sinking feeling that this war is going to be a lot harder than I had imagined. "

She just placed her hand on my arm and patted it. " Trust me , even I am worried about it , but it is useless to take stress about it now. We must focus on preparing as good as we can, so we can atleast try to stand against father."

A warm smile found it's way to my lips and I stared at her with a look of gratitude . She just smiled again and resumed walking. I then noticed that she was still holding my hand in hers. She must have just forgotten about it , that's all,  I thought. But something about her hand made me feel calm and comfortable.  So , I just shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on the path.

It was so quiet and peaceful that it felt wrong.  This situation felt like a 'too good to be true' one. As I expected , we heard a booming laughter come from behind us .I turned around , uncapping riptide and instantly got into a fighting stance. Standing there was a titan who looked like a younger Prometheus. I could have mistook him for Prometheus,  except for the fact that this guy had curly black hair, whereas Prometheus had straight brown hair. Also, the cunning look and wits that Prometheus's eyes held, were not present in his eyes.

"Epimetheus!" ,came  Zeus's voice from behind. He sounded... scared? Woah!!
That's new. This was the first time I  my sixteen years of life that I had saw Zeus scared . I wasn't that worried about facing this titan as I knew that the only three  titans who I couldn't defeat in one on one combat were Atlas, Kronos and Iapetus. Plus, Epimetheus was a weaker titan and wasn't known for his strength or smartness.

"Glad you recognize me ,Zeus . I would love to have a nice talk, but alas that is not possible. I have a task to do that has been ordered to me by Lord Kronos. 
He has asked for the head of you and your two brothers. The three ladies have been promised to me , Prometheus and Perses.

The three brothers had identical angry expressions on their faces, while the women's faces showed disgusted expressions .

I decided to make my presence known
"You will not touch any of the six gods standing in front of you, filth." I spat.
He just sneered at me." Who are you boy. I would not suggest interfering in this matter as it does not concern you. Do not test me boy, or i will crush you like the insect you are." He mocked.

This pissed me off. One thing that infuriated me more than most others was being underestimated. I just steeled my nerves and raised riptide in a challenging manner.

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