Chapter 21

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Percy POV

I woke up feeling a weight on my chest. I was surprised to see a mass of brown hair sprawled on my bare chest. Wait a minute!
Bare chest?!!!
That's when last night's events came rushing back to me . I couldn't stop the blush from creeping up on my face. Who knew that the goddess of marriage was a screamer. If I hadn't put up a sound barrier around us, the others would have probably broken in on us, thinking that something was wrong.

I mentally checked the time to see it was eight thirty in the morning. Huh. Looks like I got only four hours of sleep. Hera was still asleep . I tried to slowly lift her head and place it to the side, bit found that it wasn't only her head on my body, infact her whole body was above me, straddling me. I sighed. Looks like I wasn't getting up any time soon. Having time to think, I started wondering about how much I had changed history. Fuck, nothing would go the same now. Zeus would be married to Metis. I would probably be with Hera. Looking at it, Hestia and Poseidon were also a couple.

Then I thought about how other children of Zeus would be born. Athena, sure she was the daughter of Zeus and Metis. But the others? Also, we still weren't sure as to who would get the throne this time. I was surely put of the equation, as I would join another council. Heck, the others even treated Hades like true siblings. If in the future someone would have told me that Zeus and Hades will work together like brothers, I would have laughed at their faces. Or thought they were crazy.

' To answer your first question, did you really underestimate Zeus's libido? '

' Lady Fates , is that you?' I thought back.

' No , it's spiderman.'  they said in unison.
I groaned internally. This was the second wierdest thing I thought would ever  happen. The three fates giving  me a taste of my own sass. The only other thought
The only other thing wierder than this would be Kronos and Atlas in ballet dance costumes. That image alone gave me nightmares.

' Heh bro. That really is wierd when you think of it like that.'

' Aether, is that you? ' I sighed. Hey. I had every reason to sigh . This was one dude who was  more narcissistic than Apollo and Zeus combined, and that is saying a lot.

' Yep . It's me. Your superbly handsome, charming, awe..' " Airheaded'  I added.

'Fuck you , dude. '

I barely stifled my laughter, imagining him pouting like a five year old and glaring at me.

' Anyway,  Ananke asked me to relay this message that the other children of Hades and Zeus will be born eventually. Zeus will cheat on Metis just like he cheated on Hera in the future. Also, proud of you dude. Got yourself a girl. That's my boy. Way to go champ. '

' One more word and I will personally run you through with riptide. Now I would suggest you leave my head before the council needs a new primordial of light.' I warned  threateningly. Or at least as threatening you can get while mind messaging. I was thoroughly pleased with myself when I felt him gulp and leave my mind.

I was broken from my thoughts when I felt my girlfriend stir slightly. She slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes widened dramatically when she realized where she was and her naked state. Her face turned such a bright shade of gold, that it made Apollo's armour look dull. " Good morning, peacock girl. " I said teasingly.

" M..morning ." She said quietly. Then she realized that I had called her by her nickname and she kneed my crotch hard. Quick as lightning, she jumped off me and landed on the floor. Well, she tried to land on her feet. But her legs gave away and she fell to the floor. " Shit. I am so sorrreeeee."

I had to laugh at that. Despite the pain in my crotch, I started laughing hysterically. She just glared at me murderously and tried to get up. Once the pain subsided, even I got up and went to get cleaned up.

As we stepped out and reached the dining table, the others just glanced at us and nodded in welcome. However, Hestia gave a sly grin to Hera. Judging that her room is beside mine, she must have heard us. Not really a surprise. Hera was really loud.

As we sat there, talking and laughing like a normal family, I wondered what would happen after our free time ended. The war had officially begun now.

One month , well that is all I had of peace now. Might as well enjoy it.

Time skip by one month

All I could see in their eyes was nervousness. And they had every reason to be nervous. After all, we were basically commiting suicide. My plan was to attack mount Othyrs. I knew that this was a part of history that I couldn't change. Kronos had to be defeated in Mount Othyrs, so that the thrones of the Titans could be destroyed immediately after, making them fade.

" See . I know that you all are really nervous about the battle that is going to take place now. Even I am. But just know that this is a one time opportunity. If we lose today, Kronos will show us no mercy. I am sure he has a plan already formed for defeating us. He isn't known as the ' Crooked one' for no reason. But we have to win. Losing today is not an option. For the past six years of my life , I have seen my friends die. All because of one person who thinks that the others are his pawns. He makes them fight his battles.
But today, I will make sure to free the world of him. So , are you with me?" I asked , raising my voice in the end.

I saw the nervousness in their eyes turn to determination. One by one, they nodded their heads. I gave them a bright smile.

" Good. I couldn't expect more from you. Now for the plan. In today's battle, I will not be holding back like before. Zeus, you will take Krios , as you control the sky, while he
controls the constellations. It should be an even match. " He nodded in acceptance.

" Poseidon, you will duel Oceanus. It will be equal, oceans vs the seas." Getting a nod from him, I continued. " Hades, Koios is yours to fight. You should be at an advantage as he can't prove your mind, thus not knowing your next moves."

This earned me a confused look. " Hades's symbol of power, his helm, protects him from other powers trying to probe his mind .Only the Fates and their mother Ananke can see your future and read your thoughts. "

Everyone was surprised at that news except for Hades , who looked smug. Then I turned to the ladies. " Lady Rhea, you will be fighting Tethys, seeing that she is your arch enemy. " Rhea nodded with a sinister glint in her eyes. I almost felt sorry for Tethys. Almost.

" Metis, you will take on Themis, as your domains are almost similar. Hera, you will take Phoebe. Demeter will take Mnemosyne and Hestia will fight Theia , as she is the strongest female god and Theia is the strongest female Titan after Rhea and Tethys. "

The four of them nodded grimly.
" I will take Iapetus, Hyperion, Epimetheus and Kronos myself. " If the others looked worried before, it was nothing compared to now. " What?? Are you crazy? There is no way you can take on the three strongest Titans and one minor Titan together. It is suicide. You will not do it." Hera shrieked threateningly. The others nodded their heads and shot me glares of their own.

" Guys, Relax. I have been trained by Tartarus and Chaos themselves. I know how to hold my own. I know that defeating them will be hard as fuck, but I am confident that if I am unable to defeat them, I will easily hold them till you defeat your opponents. Trust me in this. I very much like being alive. "

" You better stay safe. I heard that Tartarus is not really beautiful this time of the year. "
Poseidon joked. This caused all of us to chuckle. I nodded to them. That is when I felt that the time had come to invade the enemy's fort.

" Well guys. Looks like it is time. Remember, whatever happens,........................don't die." Really, I couldn't think of anything else to say. Thanks brain.

" Towards a new age" I shouted. They shouted back in response and we flashed to our location.

All I could think of is ' The final battle has begun".

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