Chapter 10

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Percy POV

We had been travelling for two days and hadn't encountered even one titan.  I was starting to tense up as I knew that my chances of having luck this good were always close to zero. Add to the fact that Kronos was very cunning and called the 'Crooked One' . So naturally, I was expecting an attack soon. I guess even Hades had similar thoughts to mine as he voiced them ,saying," Hey , dont you think that this place is a little too peaceful? I dont think father is this patient.  I was expecting an attack after  about every two hours."

" Hey !Please dont jinx it by saying that.
I already have trouble following me like anything.  Please don't jinx our peace and add to it." I scowled. I used my powers over water to find the entrance to Tartarus.  We were actually pretty close to it . About three hours of walking and we would reach it.

I had walked beside Hera and my father the whole time. They had asked me to tell them about how their lives were  in the future. Hera was depressed when I told her that she had married the worst husband in the history of husbands. I still remember that conversation we had the day before.


I was thinking about my mom when Hera interrupted my thoughts by asking," Hey Percy,  please tell me about my life in the future. "

snickered inwardly while thinking of how her reaction would be when I tell her about it.

So I said," Well , the worst part was the you were married to Zeus."
The look on her face was beyond depressed.  She looked at me like I had kicked her granny. "Please tell me you are joking." She almost begged .

I just gave her the ' I feel you' look and replied, " Hey . Dont get depressed.  It doesn't have to be the same this time. This time you can find someone who is right for you and will remain loyal to you. " I could see her mood lightening and she had a hopeful look in her eyes.
I continued, " You know , I always admired you for your loyalty . You never  cheated on him even though he cheated on you about two times an year. "
I smiled at her and she smiled back and then had a thoughtful expression on her face. She looked really cute .

I had decided that I would not keep a grudge against her or Zeus for treating me like trash in the future , because their personalities were polar opposite now, as compared to in  the future .

Flashback end:

Poseidon was ok with his future , but said that he had someone else in mind. I knew along with Hera that he had feelings for Hestia. I also knew that Hestia had some kind of feelings for him. But Poseidon was as oblivious as me, if not more . So , naturally he wasn't able to understand her feelings.

I used my power over  water to find how far we were from the entrance to the pit. About one more hour and we would arrive at our destination. I knew that our journey into the pit was not going to be easy , even though we were seven powerful immortals . But I hoped that we could at least get out of there without any fatal injuries. Also , we could get the elder cyclopes and the hundred handed ones to help us in the war. This would give us six powerful allies.

Just as we neared the pit, a voice boomed,
"So the insects have finally arrived. I will enjoy crushing the six of you along with the powerful Ally that you have got. Lord Kronos literally destroyed half the palace when he heard your name Perseus. Wonder what got him so worked up. He has asked me for your head and I will follow his orders."

I paled greatly as I recognized the owner of this voice. This was one Titan that I knew I couldn't beat in one on one combat. "Atlas" I whispered . The colour drained from the face of the six gods as Atlas appeared from the side along with Prometheus and Perses.
There were also about fifty hellhounds with them.

Man! This battle just got a lot more tough .
I turned to the six gods and spoke," Hades and   Zeus  , you guys take Prometheus. Poseidon and Hestia, you take Perseus.  Meanwhile Hera and Demeter , you will kill the other  monsters. I will try to keep Atlas busy till then. But try to finish fast as I will need help to defeat Atlas." They nodded with grim  and determined faces .

Together , we charged the three Titans and monsters in front of us.

Percy Jackson- The Cursed HeroHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin