Chapter 3

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Percy felt the electricity combine with his soul, just like his connection to water. It was not as strong a connection as water,  but it still was strong enough to grant him control. He realized that this control was permanent and not only for the battle.

Testing his new abilities,  he jumped and used the winds to propel himself towards his opponent at high speeds and thus kick him hard in the face . To say Kronos was shocked would be an understatement. But he recovered from his shock surprisingly fast and held his ground.

Kronos thought that he had had enough
of these games and had to finish the boy before the Olympians showed up. So he started using his titan strength to fight and pressed percy on defense .

The demigod had skill but not enough to match the king of titans and he knew it. So percy tried his final desperate move to turn the tides to his favour. He gathered some water and passed all the electricity he could muster into it . He then solidified the sizzling water and formed chains with it .He suddenly launched these chains at Kronos and trapped him. The chains started shocking the titan lord,  thus rendering him immobile.

Percy slowly walked towards Kronos,  eyeing him like a predator stalking its prey. He casually picked up the titans scythe and casually spoke while twirling it," I have heard rumours that this beauty here can reap the souls of even immortals, well, lets try it , shall we?"

By now percy was grinning like a madman and Kronos was desperately trying to escape his chains. In a blink of the eye, percy was standing in front of Kronos with the scythe under the titans chin. Percy punched him hard on the face, causing him to cough ichor.

"This is for killing the love of my life "
said percy as he stabbed the scythe in Kronos's left armpit. Kronos screamed in pain as the blade pierced him . His body suddenly started glowing golden.
Percy was forced to avert his eyes as the glow continued. When it stopped , Luke's dead body was lying on the floor . Beside his body, was the sitting figure of another man, about 5'11 height.

When he raised his head ,percy could literally see the anger , disappointment and hatred in his golden eyes. The man,
now identified as Kronos,  spoke in a voice filled with hate and malice," you fucking brat. You have ruined all my plans. But you shall pay for this .I,  kronos, son of Ouranos and Gaia , the king of titans and lord of time, curse you ,Perseus Achilles jackson with the power of my divine spirit."

When he said this , he suddenly started glowing a very bright golden color.  When the glow stopped percy saw that Kronos's body started to dissolve and soon he turned into fine golden dust.

The moment he turned to dust, a small hole appeared in the air beside percy. But this went unnoticed by the demigod. Suddenly , 14 flashes filled the throne room and the Olympians along with hades and hestia appeared , expecting a fight .

What they saw instead , was the dead bodies of the son of Hermesand the daughter of athena. There was also some golden dust on the floor and a n exhausted son of Poseidon stood beside it.

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