Chapter 12

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Percy POV

As we descended into the pit, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body and let gravity take control. I knew that it would take about 3 days to reach the surface of the pit. I started to think of what had happened in the past few days. I was sure that if my life would have been a reality show, it would have had the highest TRP right now. I was sure that the Fates were eating popcorn and enjoying the show.

Another thing that had me confused were my feelings. I knew that Annabeth had and will always have a special place in my heart, but I had also grown rather close to Hera . I had realized that she had a personality almost similar to mine. She was easygoing and fun to talk with. She was also really energetic. She was nothing like the grumpy and cringy Hera that I knew from the future.

Leaving those thoughts aside, I opened my eyes and took In my surroundings. Hera was flying beside Demeter. Hestia and Poseidon were flying awfully close to each other and were having a quiet conversation among themselves. Wonder what's going on between them. But if they were together, I would me more than happy as Hestia was the best match for my dad. Even though he was from the past, I still considered him my dad.

Then there were Hades and Zeus . They both were practically inseparable. Ever since the fight with Prometheus, they were seen joking along and fist- bumping each other. Man! This was confusing. In the future, they had even more fights than Apollo had with Artemis.

I noticed that the air was getting colder. I looked down and saw land about a mile down .I gestured the other gods to spread their wings . We landed smoothly on the ground. As I changed back to my body, I noticed that the air smelled disgusting. It had a sulphorous smell to it. The ground was covered with small pebbles which were as sharp as glass. I knew that we had to avoid staying at one place for a long time.

We floated in the air so as to not touch the ground . As we were moving, I got an idea to locate the cyclopes and hundred handed ones. I knew that Kronos had made them forge weapons using the water from the Styx and Acheron rivers . So, I used my senses to search for a place which had water of Styx and Acheron. There were 2 places. But one of them was pointing towards the heart of Tartarus. I knew that even Konos was not stupid enough to keep the prisoners in Tartarus's heart as  Gaia would be able to sense it.  So , I led the gods towards the other place. After seven hours of constant walking, we reached a cliff .

As we peeked down, we saw the cyclopes and the hundred handed ones forging weapons with their hands. Their legs were chained . They were in a fenced field which
had barbed wires around them. I had heard that Kampe was the only monster watching over them. But it seems that Kronos had really learnt from his previous mistakes and had put even the chimera and another monstrer I didn't know with Kampe.

The third monster looked like a lion , but had the mouth of a bear and claws as sharp as dragon teeth. It was breathing fire and it's tail was that of a scorpion. I know the description sounds funny, but it was downright terrifying.

I turned to Hestia and Poseidon and said, " You two go to the cyclopes and hundred handed ones and free them from their chains. Persuade them to help us in the war and forge weapons for the three male gods. " They nodded their heads. I continued," Hades and Hera,  you take the bear monster thingy, Zeus and Demeter, you take the chimera. I know of a way to defeat the old hag(Kampe) . Understood?"

They nodded and we turned into birds and flew down the cliff. I walked behind Kampe and shouted ," Hey ugly! I heard that you were so ugly that your parents were terrified when you were born and so threw you into Tartarus." She turned around with a murderous look on her face and snarled, " How dare you speak like that? I will take my time killing you, godling."

I smirked and ran towards her with riptide in my hand. She unsheathed her twin scimitars and charged right back. We met in a blur of strikes. I knew that she was a strong opponent, but I was still surprised when she blocked my strikes and swept me off my feet with her tail. I landed on my head and the world started to get blurry. But I snapped out of my daze and rolled to my right to avoid my getting beheaded by her scimitar.

I got back to my feet and decided to use my powers . I knew that my powers had been reduced to demigod level in this pit. I concentrated and willed the water from the Styx to come to me. I felt the familiar tug in my gut and suddenly Kampe was hit by Styx water . The water burned her whole right arm . I took advantage of  this and ran to her and stabbed her in the chest. She disintegrated with a blood curdling scream.

I looked around and saw that the others had taken care of the two monsters. Demeter and Hades had some minor burn marks, but fortunately nothing too serious. I saw the six  prisoners now free from their bonds and with smiles on their faces.

After the introductions , I asked the cyclopes to forge weapons for the gods. Zeus got his master bolt, Poseidon got his trident and Hades got his helmet. I also asked the hundred handed ones to make me a sword which was made in water from all five rivers of the underworld.

The sword was four foot long

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The sword was four foot long . I decided to call it Nightmare. The sword had the ability to make any immortal fade . I knew that this sword would come in handy.

Seeing as our job in Tartarus was complete, we decided to escape the pit. We made a carpet made of the skin that the chimera had left behind , and asked the cyclopes and hundred handed ones to climb on it. Then we turned into our godly forms and grabbed hold of each edge of the carpet and started flying upwards using godly strength. Damn! Those dudes were seriously heavy. .

Little did we know , that a titan had followed us and turned invisible, climbing on the carpet.

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