Chapter 16

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7 void years later ( 7 Earth days later)

Place: Percy's mind, the void dimension

Percy POV

I clashed sword with my opponent, both of us trying to overpower the other. I realized that I don't have to be stronger than my opponent, just quicker. I decided to let her think that she's overpowering me and then execute my plan. I let go of my pressure a little bit and my opponent put more pressure on her sword. I then executed my plan as I suddenly jumped backwards, thus causing her to lose balance and stumble forward. As she went to regain her balance, I lurched forward and feinted to her right . Being off balance, she put all her focus on blocking the strike. What she didn't expect was the sudden pull back of my sword and me hitting her left thigh with the flat of my sword. This caused her to loose her footing altogether and she fell to the ground. Quick as lightning, I performed the disarming manuever that Luke taught me. Her sword flew out of her hand . She looked shocked as she saw the tip of my sword at her throat.
" Yield" I said in a voice of absolute confidence. She overcame her shock and smirked slightly. A nod from her head brought a big grin to my face.

I offered her a hand. She took it and got up.
" Finally! After seven years of you wiping the floor with me, I defeated you. " I smiled like a little boy on Christmas Eve. She smiled back with a proud look in her eyes. " Very good, my boy. That was an excellent tactic to throw me off balance and strike. " I hugged her enthusiastically. Now you may be wondering why I am so happy about winning this fight. Well let me first tell you who my opponent was. It was my mother, Chaos. Yep , the creator of the universe and all that it contains.

The reason I was so happy was that in these see seven years of vigorous training, this was the first time I had managed to defeat her. In fact it took me about two years to actually land a cut on her during a spar. I now had sword skills that would make even the primordials cry for their mommy. The only beings who could manage to defeat me were Chaos, Tartarus and Ouranos. Tartarus was my spear instructor. Trust me when I say this, he is the most laid back dude amongst all the primordials, with an exception of Aether. I still remember the day mom took me to meet the primordial council.

Flashback start:

It was the second day of training with Chaos. I had just finished with my daily workout of five hundred push ups and a twenty mile sprint. Anyway, as I was heading to my small quarters to take a small nap, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned around to see Chaos walking towards me with a huge smile on her face. "Hey Mom, not that I am unhappy to see you, but what are you doing here?" Her smile grew and she said, " Today I want to introduce you to some people. Most of them are excited to see you."

Confused as to who would like to see me I asked," Who are you talking about, mother?"
She just simply answered," The primordials."
My jaw dropped to the floor. My expression must have been pretty hilarious, because she burst out laughing. "Come on. We don't have all day." She grabbed my shoulder and flashed us to some place that I couldn't locate even using my godly tracking system. We were standing in front of a pitch black gate , about thirty feet tall. It had wierd symbols on it. There were six symbols on eacb door. In the centre was a big black universe symbol. " You will not be able to sense the location of this place son, because this place exists everywhere and nowhere. "

" Whaaa?" Was my smart reply to her statement. She snickered and then said ,
" This place is the throne room of the primordials. It can only be approached y either the members of the council, or someone permitted to do so. " I nodded my head in understanding and motioned for her to lead.

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