chapter 24

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The rest of the week went quickly and without little upset. I was feeling pretty good until the teacher mentions that there is a future councilor coming tomorrow on Friday.

Everyone kind of groans but secretly is interested. Except the drop outs. They look truly bored. I sit back in my seat angry with that. I don’t want to hear about the future.

 I don’t want to hear how it will all work out and we will live for college and getting a job that you truly love.

I don’t want to hear all that useless waste that isn’t coming to me. But when those people come in and talk to us, I can’t help but listen to what they are saying. It is memorizing what they say.

 Well the interesting ones are at least. I always would imagine what kind of job that I would get and how I would live.

Rich or poor. It didn’t set me down as I imagined. It would all be a dream either way to me.

I would imagine a life from start to finish. Some were pretty funny but they would all end of me almost dying at age 90 or some where in the 100’s. very unbelievable but I like older people and all their experience that they have with the world.

Unlike me. I have experience pain that most people would never have to deal with.

At age 8.

You know what my thought was when I was on the plane to this new place? I am never going to see my friends when I am on my deathbed. I am going to no one here so no one would care rather I die or not. I would miss someone crying for me when I died.

Especially Maya. She burst into tears when I told her I had cancer before she met me. But we were only 10 so I guess that is ok. I would understand that part. We were young and vulnerable.

So I wonder how she feels now… what about Cole? I still don’t exactly know how he is reacting to all of this except for his little rant on Sunday. That was the truth alright. I mean I would’ve held some back but that’s just Cole. He puts everything out in the open and doesn’t think twice about what he said until it was out of his mouth.

But now since that I don’t have a future or anything, I honestly don’t care one bit or anything.


Blah blah blah life. Blah blah blah career. That’s how my Friday is going so far. I honestly don’t care. This is how we are spending the Friday before prom.

I look over to Cole and smile at him getting his attention. He looks over and gives a smile back but looks back to the speaker in the front completely absorbed. I look to Mitch and she is too. And so is the rest of the class excluding the look like dropouts soon to be.

“Taylor.” Someone snaps my attention to the front of the classroom. The teacher looks at me sternly.

“Did you hear my question?”

“No.” I ask innocently and I hear snickers from a lot of kids.

“I said what kind of future would you like? Like what kind of college are you planning to go to?”

The great beyond. “I’m not going to college.” That strikes her attention.

“No? And why is that?”

“I don’t know I just would rather move on.”

“But wouldn’t you like to have a good education?” jeez this woman is all about education.

“Why bother getting one? Were all doomed anyways.” I get a look from Cole and the teacher. Everyone else gives me a confused look.

“Well when you were younger what did you want to be?”

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