Chapter 23

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Ok so actually this story wasn’t suppose to be that long so there shouldn’t be that much chapters left actually:(

But here is the chapter!  More of filler if anything.

Not edited.


I wake up later to a hand on me. I shiver to its cold touch. I open my eyes and a cold eyed Cole is standing over me. His eyes are just roaming over me and made me shiver in uncomfortable and want to cover up more. “Hey when did you get out?” I whisper and pull him to me on the bed. He stays still as a stone and doesn’t budge to my pull. It is just that weak. I am just that weak now. I can even see my skin caving in around my bones and people are starting to notice I look anorexic but don’t say anything. But they get really confused when I eat. That’s when I laugh at them then.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why did you leave?” he asks quietly.

“What are you talking about?” I ask. His face hardens even more.

“Why did you leave me? You gave me a heart attack. I thought the doctors carried off your dead body! What do you think I feel?” he explodes and stands up and starts pacing.

I stare at him in horror. “I didn’t die! Why would you think that? I mean I am not that bad!”

“Look at yourself! I know that is harsh but you are caving into your own frame! I can think about that and all I want to do is take care of you and I get scared when you leave my side and can’t help but think those things. I just don’t want you to leave me. Alone here.”

I frown at his words and am hurt at what he said to me. I mean I know I am that skinny but he doesn’t need to point that out. I lie down angrily and cover myself with a blanket and hold on as tight as I could so he couldn’t get through.

“Taylor don’t be like this.”

“Want to spurt some more truth? How can we hurt Taylor today?” I snap, muffled by the covers.

“I didn’t mean it like that. You know I didn’t.”

“Well how would I know? It’s an all truth day so how would I know if you meant it or not.”

“Taylor look me in the eye.”


He walks over starts lifting up my covers. “No! Don’t do that!”

“Then let go.”

I let go and that pulls me all up to a sitting position. He throws the covers on the floor and comes over and sits in front of me. I scoot back. With a queen sized bed, it gives you enough room to scoot. His eyes are filled with sadness that I can’t even comprehend.

“Why did you leave?”

“Want to know why? Want to?” I bring my legs around the bed and go over to the hamper. I haven’t thrown away the shirt yet. I was just too tired to do anything with it. I pull it out and show him it.

“Would you like to wake up to this? I mean that would scare me even more.”

“What happened?” he comes by me and faces me inches away. I look up to him.

“I had a bloody nose and got a doctor in the cancer ward and he told me I don’t have that long to live. Then when I came back, your mom saw it and told me that she was sorry.”

“How long?”

“I shouldn’t tell.” I whisper.

“How long?” he says more urgently and leans down to my head level. I look down avoiding him. He kneels down and makes sure I can see him. “Please tell me?” he wipes a tear. I take a deep, shaky breath and swallow nervously.

I'll Love You Till the EndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin