chapter 20

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(wow… 20 chapters?!?! Amazing! Ok.. now onto the book.)

I get onto the airport and start to worry. What if my nose starts to bleed again? I didn’t tell anyone about that. I probably should. The doctor said if I get that, well it is part of cancer and it will happen. But I don’t want it to happen. I want to be normal.

I envy everyone who doesn’t deal with this sort of stuff. God I hate them. I truly do.

“Taylor you ready?” my dad comments and motions to the plane. Everyone is starting to get on. Panic sets in.


“Something wrong?” concern flits through his face. I freeze but smile and take deep breaths.

One breath.


I can do this.

I can get through this with out anything going wrong. Right?

“Yes lets go dad.”

“Ok sweetie.” And he smiles and picks up my light carry on. I walk behind him and take more deep breaths. One. Two. One. Two.

“What’s your seat?”

“Umm…” I look down. When I spot it, I tell him and dad points me to that spot. It is the window seat yet again. So I sit down and he hands me my ticket and my carry on.


“No problem. Good bye”

“Bye dad.”

He walks away and goes sits down a few chairs away. He is close I guess. There is a voice next to me and snaps me out of my thoughts. “Ahh so we get a goodbye.”

I look over and mark is staring at me amused. A smile automatically comes onto my face.

“Mark! I forgot to say goodbye to you. Come sit.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” and he sits and puts his bag under his chair and sighs.

“Feeling the after affects of chemo?”

“Yes they suck. Absolutely suck.” He says quietly. I nod simpatically.

“I know how you feel.”

“I thought that-“

“That I never done this?”

“Well I would have guessed so.”

“You have no idea about me.” my eyes narrowing. He looks at me almost scared.

“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean that.”

“Well for a fact I had that when I was 8. That meant that I went through what you’re going through at age 8. I was weak and vulnerable. I didn’t want to live. My dad helped me through that and before you know it, you’re all better. No cancer cells left. Then a friend comes along and gives you a purpose in life other than moping about the past.  She helps you look into the future. You don’t know how long that is. So now they tried it on me but I didn’t exactly loose my hair from that kind didn’t work. Or other techniques.

So you move so no one will know you when you die and a matter of fact, you fall in love. You know what? I said it. I love him. It was short time knowing him. Ill hurt him. What he said to me yesterday was heart breaking. Now I want to live for once and fate wont give me another chance.” I spit out quietly. He looks at me in complete awe.

  There is silence by our seats and all around. Not loud enough for my dad to hear but other people to hear. I cross my arms and glare out the window until they tell us that the plane is about to start.

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