chapter 19

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 I meet up with her and we go to prom stores. There isn’t too much but she is thrilled that I was asked and she was also so this was perfect for each other.

“Ahh my little nerd growing up. I miss my baby.” She coos. I narrow my eyes.

“I wasn’t that nerdy.”

“Well now you have a boyfriend so your defiantly not nerdy anymore.” She jokes and spots a store before I can make a comeback. I just end up glaring at her and sticking my tongue out at her as she drags me across the floor.

“Come on!”

“Say you’re sorry.”

“But it is true.” She argues. I dig my heels in deeper into the floor.

“Oh come on. This is torture!” she complains. I smirk.

“Then say you’re sorry.”

“Fine. I’m sorry. Are you happy?”

I pick my feet up walk past her quickly and her reaction… priceless.

Falls forward and almost face plants a bench. I grin and she glares.

“I am so going to get you.” she hisses. I shrug and keep walking.

But she ends up just walking side of me silently.

“Want to try on dresses?”

“sure.” She says optimistically and smiles at me. I look at her warily.

“Are you sure you’re ok? You’re quiet like a ticking bomb.”

“No serious I got you, you got me. Were even.”

I smile confidently. “Great lets try on dresses now.”


I look into an orange on. Horrible. WAY too sparkly and pouf. You see, I don’t do puffy really well so this is just not going too well. I know, I know, I’m a bit picky. But I want something the way I like it. Or just forget it then.

“I can’t find anything I like.” I complain as I come through the doors. I see a lavender dress on Maya but doesn’t quite compliment her the best. Too fluffy for my taste.

“Well then keep looking. What do you think of this dress?” she asks smoothing it down. I resist a scrunch of my nose. She laughs at me.

“So I take that as a no?”

“Well its just to fluffy for me. But you may like that.”

“Well I don’t like it. I’m going to change.”

“Well its my last one. I can’t find any dress I like and this is the last store.” I sigh to myself. She brightens up and goes around the store and comes back with a dress.

It is silver and long enough that you wouldn’t be able to see my heels even if I tried. It flows down to the ground like silk or water. It has a low cut with diamond like stones embedded in it and up the little strings that tie around my neck. Other than that, it is backless.

“Are you sure? I don’t think I can pull this off.” And I hold it up. she pretends glares.

“Take it.”


“Try it on!”

I grumble and go try it on in the changing room. When I pull my other dress, I sigh in relief. One last one.

“Are you done?”

“I don’t even have this on yet!”

“Well  hurry up.” she wines behind the door.

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