Chapter Fifteen

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Hey everyone! I wrote this extra chapter a few years ago but never got around to publishing it. I'm not taking this story off hold, but I thought a few people might enjoy it :) Please ignore any spelling mistakes! Much love 💖

The cold wind hit me like a wrecking ball. (AN: Haha wrecking ball) Tons of gaurds were surounding me, and Hope was bundled up in my arms. Maxon was standing a few feet away.


He was really adamant on getting me to stay in the Palace. Like really.

" Why do you have to go now?"

" It's my philantrophy project. I have to do this. I'll have gaurds with me, and it's just taking to some of the Eights-Turning-Sevens to see how the transition is going. This is helping. Is there something you needed me for tomorrow?"

I just could not see what the problem was.

"No, it's just, why does Hope have to go? She's barley a month old. Maybe a representitave could go."

Thinking I knew the issue, I massaged his sholders.

"Do you want to see Hope and me more? We can arrange a day just for us." I planted a kiss on his cheek. " Because I miss you too." My voice had softened.

He turned to hug me. "That would be nice, but that's not the problem."

I pulled back to look in his eyes. " What is? We'll be perfectly safe. Aspen is coming! Trust me, nothing gets past him." Lauging slightly, I cupped his cheeck.

"Maxon?" The wind whipped at my hair, and a chill ran down my spine.

"Oh, America," he pulled me closer. "I'm sorry."

I stared up at him, confused. " Why?"

He sighed, so deeply I thought he was having trouble breathing. "America," Maxon tilted my chin, "It's the people. There are riots down South. They want us to abdicate the throne."

Oh my Lord. " What? "

He shook his head. "Apparently, they think the monarchy puts our country in worse shape than it's already in. Some people had this crazy notion that we would decide not to let Hope continue the Schreave rule. When we abolished the whole no-first-born-girls-rule thing, they started rebelling."

The stress of this information seemed to age his face way beyond his twenty-one years. His forehead had stress wrinkles, the brown in his eyes dull, lips chapped and cracked. Though he had just shaved two days ago, a small beard covered the lower half of his face.

Despite this, he was so beautiful against the early morning sky. Beautiful, but different.

I got on my toes and put my forehead to his.

"Why are they doing this? Why can't we just be left alone for once?"

He pulled me into a hug, attempting to keep us both warm. "I'm sorry, America. This certainly is not the life I imagined for us when we got married. And what's even worse, is that some people from down there are planning to come up here and attack the palace."

I laid my head against his shoulder. "Ugh. I'm so sick of rebel attacks. How did we find this out?"

"A ringleader in that whole mess dropped their phone. It somehow made it's way to the homeland security department, and they got ahold of the information. "

"I just can't believe that." I sighed, moving my head on his chest. " Why, why, why."

He rested his head on mine. " That's just how life works sometimes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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