Flashback Friday number 2

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I was sitting on a couch by a window in the Women's room, basking in the sun, engrossed in a book about pregnancy. Absorbing as much information on contractions as I could when...


"Ahh! "

Maxon was cracking up.

"Maxon! You scared me! Gosh, ah, what did I say about scaring me?!"

"America, I'm sorry, but I had to."

"How did you even get in here?!"

"A little birdy let me in." Mary. She was the only one who new that I was in here. My family were horseback riding with Marlee and Carter. I had told them that I wasn't felling well and Maxon volunteered to stay with me.

They thought that I would be resting in bed, woth Maxon feeding me chocken soup in between my bouts of morning sicknesses.

So not what I was doing.

He sat down next to me. I fell against the back of the couch. "Just one day. I just wanted one day."

"Someone's moody."

"Shut up."

"Okay, okay. What are you reading about this time?" He picks up the book. "Contractions..?"

"...Is what I'll start having if you do that again."

"It was just a joke." My eyebrows shoot up.

"I'm sorry." We kiss.

"Maxon..." I look at his outfit.


"What are you wearing?"

He looks down." Oh. I forgot to explain. I saw you this morning in blue, so I'm wearing pink."

I was wearing a blue and white striped maternity shirt with jeans and a soft blue sweatshirt. He was wearing khakis and a pink polo shirt.

"Why, exactly?"

"I thought that since we're finding out the gender today, that we could dress in the color that corrosponds with the gender we think the baby is." We wanted to find out the gender in private, as a couple. Being in the palace (mostly) alone, the doctor said that today was as good as any.

"First things first, (A/N: I'm the realest) that was the longest scentance I have ever heard you say. Second, what made you think that I think the baby is a boy?"

His brow creased in worry. "You don't?"

"I do, but you shouldn't assume things."

"Yes ma'm."

"And what does the winner get?"

"The loser has to do anything that the winner wants."

"Okay... Im gonna get a lot of foot rubs."

"I highly doubt that. Deal?"


I put out my hand, but he started to kiss me. I pulled away.

"What is going on in your brain today?"

His smile made him look like a maniac."Many things."


"Lets see... ah, the baby seems to be healthy. Would you like to know the gender?"

We both nod vigorusly. "Yes."

"I hope you've saved up alot of money."


"Whith all the material it takes just to make your dresses, Queen America, I can only imagine how much more would take. At least when she's older."

My heart stopped.

"Your Majesty, the baby is a girl."

"Thats wonderful!"

"Oh, Maxon, we're having a little princess!"

After thanking the doctor numerous times, we walked to our rooms. Maxon stopped at his door. "I won."

"Uhgg. What could you possably want? I'M the pregnant one!"

"Well..." He wiggled his eyebrows and motioned towrds the door.

"Eww Maxon, thats gross." I shook my head.

"But I won!"

I thought for a second.

"Your gonna have to catch me first!" I barreled down the hall.

"No America! Uh, fine."

He won.

Hi! Did anyone see DW last night? I didn't get to see all of it, but Im seeing it in my local theater on Monday. YAY! I hope you like this chapter. The next one will be up soon. Bye!


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