Chapter Five

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I looked in the mirror I was standing in front of. Mary and Haley did a wonderful job on my new dress. A large, deep blue a-line dress with black vine details and light purple ruffles at the cuffs and hem. The skirt had tulle under it to make it look a bit more like a ballgown, but not so much that it was overdone. And the sleeves were mid-length.

I smoothed the from of my dress down were my stomach was. Sure I gained a couple pounds during my pregnancy. People noticed but hey, at least I got curves faster than most girls.

Today was Friday, and Maxon, Hope, and I would be on the IIIea Capitol Report. Nobody except for me, Maxon, and a few other select people knew Hope's name and gender. My mother and May would also be on the Report. They would be staying here for another month or two so that they could make sure that we could handle the baby.

I saw a figure in the corner of the mirror. Wait, not one, two, three,four,five, but six of my maids filed into the room. "How do you like it, Miss?" Mary asked. "Oh, I love it!" All of us fell into a group hug. "Did you ever think we would see the day were I could wear something that wasn't for maternity?"

"Miss,we were starting to think that we would be sewing embellished potato sacks forever."

I gasped in fake shock as the group of us burst into laughter. "Sasha!" I pretended to scold.

I had six maids. There was Mary, who was laid back. She was also the only maid I still had from The Selection. Haley, who was sweet and energetic, Sasha, funny and sassy, Lisa, quiet and dependable, Vivian, funky and happy,and the youngest maid was Iea. Her full name was Elliea,but someone gave her the nickname Iea and it stuck. Iea was kind and polite, but very shy. And adorable. The girl was only thirteen and a half.

"Speaking of my Baby, is she almost ready?"

"Yes, Miss. Her maids worked very hard on the new dress she's wearing tonight."

Ugh, I knew I was forgetting something. Who are Hope's maids?

"Just out of curiosity, who are Hope's maids?"

"Paige and Mysti." Mary answered.

Paige. I had a flashback to the night I was shot. Paige was an eight who wanted to help me with my gunshot wound.So once Maxon and Aspen found us, she was given a job in the kitchen here at the palace. I didn't know that she was promoted to a maid.

I heard the door open and the squealing of my maids. When I turned around, my eyes met Paige's and we ran to hug each other.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"No, thank you." We broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Oh my gosh! She's so adorable!" I heard Vivian gush.

"My lady, would you like to see Hope?" A maid that I recognized as Mysti asked.

"Yes, of course I would." She put her in my arms. Hope was so beautiful. Her dress was very cute. It was a white day dress with a pleated skirt, two buttons on the front, and red roses with leaves at the sides along the hem and sleeves. "Hope..." I mumbled as both I and the maids gazed at her.

"May I came in?"

Maxon startled all of us, but that didint stop the maids from curtsing. "Your Majesty." Mary said. After I became Queen, she was promoted to the Head Maid. She usually spoke for the others.

"If you don't mind, I would like a word with America before we prepare for the Report."

"We don't mind, your Majesty." Mysti said.

"In fact, we were just about to leave."Vivian informed.

"Really?" Maxon raised an eyebrow. He was playing with them.

"Yes, King Maxon." Iea burst in a nervous tone that her squeaky voice made sound even more on edge. Everybody turned to look at her in surprise.Little Iea didint talk much. The poor girl seemed surprised herself that she spoke, because her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth with her hand. I decided to help her out. "Mary, I heard you say earlier that you need to finish a day dress you're working on?"

"Um, yes,yes,miss. Come girls." They all awkwardly followed Mary out of the room and started whispering once they were in they hallway.

When I couldn't hear the footsteps of eight young women anymore, I elbowed Maxon with the arm I wasn't using to hold Hope. " Why did you do that?" I scolded in a hushed tone. "Ow! What was that for?"

"I'm sorry, but you shouldn't mess with them like that. You scared poor Iea half to death!"


"The shortest and most nervous one. She's only thirteen, you know."

Hope started crying. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, I think we just spoke too loudly." So Maxon and I rocked her. Back and forth, back and forth. Her eyes were open. They were clear, blue, and the same shade as mine. As if Maxon could read my thoughts, he asked," She has mesmerizing eyes, doesn't she?"

"Yea..." We were both in a state of awe. I couldn't believe that I, we made such a wonderful human being. "Just like yours."

"Her hair is yours, though, and its gorgeous."

"Well, I have something that would match her eyes."

He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside of it was a topaz necklace. "It can be made longer when she gets older." While he put the necklace on her, I couldn't help but think of when he put the bracelet from New Aisa on my wrist. I was wearing it today. I never took it off, along with my wedding bands.

I looked up at Maxon, and he looked down at me. We shared a sweet kiss.

When we looked down at Hope, she reached for us and blew bubbles. I giggled. Maxon kissed my cheek. "We should head down there." I nodded. As we left the room, I had I thought that there was one thing that all families ohad in common.

It was that we loved our children beyond comparison.


Heeeey! I HOPE you guys enjoyed this, it's probably the longest chapter I've written. Sorry if I'm writing bad romance scenes , I don't have that much experience with writing romance.






Ugh. I apologize, people. The exterminator is on leave for a couple of weeks. At least she's hooked on this story.

I want to thank you guys for 266 READS!!! That's OVER 100 MORE READS THAN LAST WENSDAY!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!


P.S.Haley is pronounced Hallie, like Hallie Berry,(if I'm even spelling that right) I just don't want to spell it that way.

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