Chapter Seven

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"...The cast number eight will continue to be dissolved into the sevens until approximately January 16th. On January 20th, the sevens will begin to be dissolved into the sixes.." Maxon continued at the podium. I had Hope in my lap. The throne that was on the right side of Maxon would be hers someday.

My little girl was wrapped in a white, gender neutral blanket. No one would find out her gender until our interview with Gavril. People are probably betting on it, from what Aspen told me. "I've got my money on Hope, but Carter insists on Micah." He whispered to me. Of course Marlee and my family know, but they didn't tell.

I look a Maxon. He is standing tall and proud. Such a differance from the nervous prince I saw last year, ready to see the picture of his future wife. Now he is a confident king.

My thoughts are interrupted Maxon's voice. "Introducing the master of events, Gavril Fadeye!" My stomach drops with a familiar nervousness. Maxon appears at my side as Gavril walks onto the stage.

"Thank you, King Maxon! Please come sit." We walk over to the chairs in front of him. Once we sit, the fun- I mean questions begin.

"So, I belive the question we are all asking is how are you after having the baby, Queen America?"

I glance at Maxon for support. His eyes are steady, reminding me to make my answer clear and without any traces of nerves.

"Well, it's been hard, but I, we, couldn't be happier." Maxon and I gaze at eachother and he moves his hand on top of mine.

Gavril seems touched.

"I see. Now, what exactly is the name of the child?"

I take a deep breath. "America?" Maxon says, tipping me off to answer.

"Her name is Hope Amberly Shereve."

"That is wonderful! A princess! The first in eighteen generations."

Maxon nods. "We are extreamly happy."

"I can see. King Maxon, what is on the birth annoncement?"

Maxon picks one up from a table in between us as Gavril reminds the people at home that it comes free in this month's issue of The Illea Capitol Report PRINT EDITION. Gosh, even the most wealthy people in the country want more money.

"Announcing the birth of Princess Hope Amberly Shereve. Date: November 26th, 3035. Weight: eight pounds,four ounces. Cast: None." Maxon stopped talking as the country took that in.

"Excellent! The first Princess born in generations, and the first child born without a cast. Quite the trailblazer for a newborn, don't you think mom and dad?"

"Yes." We agree in unison. I giggle and Maxon's smile grows wider.

"Ah, eager parents, are we?" Gavril chuckles.

"We're already planning her baptism." I burst. Maxon gives me a look. NO, WE HAVE NOT. It said. My look in return said, I KNOW, IM SORRY. Ugh. Me and my big mouth.

"Planning ahead. I like it. When do you think it will be?"

"Um... we dont really, know, but sometime soon."

"Great. Before we run out of time, your highnesses, are you planning on any more children?"

Finally. A question I am sure of. So I look straight at Gavril and say, "Definitely."


Hello! I am SO sorry that this chapter is a day late. We are replacing the windows in my house, so things have been hectic.Okay, so ive decided that POV Thursday will be every other week. In its place, on the other weeks, it will be flashback Friday. The flashback won't necessarily have to do with the other chapters, it will be a scene of my choosing from before Hope's birth and after/ during the wedding. And mabey even from before The Selection. :) you never know. The first one will be tomorrow.Bye!

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