Author's Note, Sorry

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Hi guys. I know that the holidays are beyond us, but I hope yours were happy.:)

You've probably noticed I haven't updated a new chapter in two months. School and friends take up more time then I originally thought. Wirters block makes sitting down to write even worse. And, honeslty, I don't know where the story is going right now.

Maxon is just refusing to tell me whats up. I know it's something, but he will not say. Without having this critical information, I fear the story will become very off track. (Forgive me for taking him so seriously. LOL)

Thinking I could do this, I kept telling you to look foward to new chapters. All this false hope must not be fun. I get that.

Which is why I have to put this story on hold.

(This info will be in the description. Not the title.)

I have no date for possible return. Nor do I have any possible story plots for this fanfic. I'm sorry, guys. I hope that you stay with me through this break. And I hope that when I return, ready to write, you are there to read my story. I regret this so much.

Dont give up hope,


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