Author's Note: 1k reads!!

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Hello there, people of Wattpad! I have returned today from my lovely camping trip to discover that The Royal has over 1k reads!!! SQUEEEE!!!! The good news for you guys is that I will be posting an extra chapter on the day of Thurs, (Thursday) just because you're so awesome. I will be doing this every time my reads hit a milestone, like 2,000 or, dare I say, 3,000. Possibly even at 1,500. You never know! :) In other book/fandom news,(wich there is lots of) many important things are happening!

-Today, August 18th, is Percy Jackson's birthday! Don't forget to wish our favorite demigod a happy b day!

- Right before I left, there was an unlock for the first three chapters of The Queen and a special second epilogue for The One. They both are wonderful! I don't have the link, but if you ask in the comments, Im sure that someone will come to your rescue! ;)

- More Selection news! Also before I left, Kiera annonced that there will be another novella, The Favorite, about Marlee. She also annonced, drumroll please,that there will be TWO MORE BOOKS IN THE SELECTION SERIES!!!! OMG! *fangirl attack* The Heir comes out next summer. YAY! :)

-The new season of Doctor Who primers on Saturday! Go twelfth doctor! On BBC America, there's all things Doctor Who on all this week! Allons-y!

There are all of the special happenings. If you wanna talk about any of thses things, comment below and I'll try to get involved. I havent heard from you guys in a while, so tell me what you think of the chapters.

I never thought I'd write this. I am SO happy that you guys enjoy this! THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!!


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