Chapter Nine

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I was sitting in the women's room, playing with May and Hope while my mom did needle work. It was just like any other Saturday.

"Hold on, hold on. Give me a turn." May whined. We were taking pictures of Hope in cute little outfits with one of Maxon's cameras. My poor Maxon. With all of this work, he was becoming more and more distant. I know he wants to spend time with me and his new daughter, but he is the king.

*snap* *snap* *flash* This time Hope was in an adorable ballgown. "Look up, little darling. Come on, Hopie." I cooed. I made a bunch of silly faces. Just like in the shoots before, it didin't work. I sighed and looked back at my mother. What was she sewing? There was white silky fabric, white string,white EVERYTHING, in her basket. Why would everything be white?There was white lace covering her lap. Wow.She was actually hand sewing lace. Hmm. I thought she said that she was doing embroidery.

"Oh my gosh Ames! I whipped my head back. "She's smiling!" May squealed. The little darling was smiling! *snap* *flash* "I need to print these." May said. Not so soon after, Hope started crying. "Looks like someone needs a nap." My mom called from the other side of the room.

"May, you hold her, I'll change her." By the time we were done, she was wailing. My little baby.

"Mom, could you take her upstairs please?"

"Sure, honey bunch." We did a baby hand-off. When she was gone. May and I sat down at a table near the window. I remember sitting here with Marlee.

Since we tired out every subject we could talk about, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"May, why have you been disappearing latley?"

This seemed to throw her for a loop. She bit her cheeck nervously. "Well, um, Ames... I d-don't really know w-what you're t-talking about."

I gave her a sly smile. "Yes you do. Look, I know you only stutter when your nervous, and you bite your cheeck when your lying. Tell me what's up." She stared out the window at the garden for a long time.

"It's complicated, America." May got up and ran out of the room. I was shocked. What I wanted to say was that I've been through complicated things, that my life is complicated, that she could tell me anything.

But I didn't have the energy to call after her.

The clock said twelve thirty. I would be late to lunch if I didn't hurry. Standing up, I brushed off my dress. I could use some coffee right now.


Maxon was very frazzled at lunch and was signing papers at the table. My mom was in dream world. May didint even show up. To sum things up, lunch was akward. So I decided to finish as quickly as possible. It was time to feed Hope anyway.

"Looks like it's just you and me, sweetheart." I said to my sleepy child. It did really seem like just Hope and I. Not just in the nursery, but in the castle. Maybe this is the isolation that new mothers feel. Once I tucked her in, I went back to the Women's room to do some work. There were maids nearby, and I had a small baby monitor under my bra strap. That allowed me to be other places.

Now I was planning the baptism with Sylvia. She had been heliping me adjust to queen life.

We were in the middle of a deep conversation about tablecloths when a camera crew stormed in. My face portrayed clear confusion untill Sylvia whispered,"I forgot to tell you that we're doing a special series about Princess Hope's baptism. This part is live." She added at the end. 'Well thanks for the heads up. ' I thought. I put on my best smile.

"Queen America, I see you are planning your daughter's baptism and the reception."

"Why yes, Sylvia and I are!" I tried to sound perky.

"What do you think that the color scheme will be?"

"We were thinking white, gold, silver, and some different pinks would be nice."

"That sounds like a masterpice! What religion are you going to baptise her?"

"Well, although Maxon is Lutheran, we have agreed to baptise her Episcopalian, since that is mine and my family's religion."

"Ah, I see. Now, we have time for one more question. This was viewer requested by MaxericaShipper123, it is: Who do you think princess Hope looks more like, you or Maxon?"

"Although shehas my eyes and Maxon's hair, I belive that overall she looks more like Queen Amberly. That is her middle name."

Everybody took a moment to absorb that.

"But, to answer the question, she is very adorable, so I would say Maxon."

I blushed.

"Thank you, Queen America." After they left, I slumped down in my chair.

"You are never making me do that again."


Did you guys like it? I can't belive we're on chapter nine already! I also cant belive that The Royal has 831 READS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)))) Okay, fangirl attack over. I'll post again tomorrow. See ya!

- FieryCat-CakeRose11

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