POV Thursday number 2

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"And you're sure you have everything under contorol?" I ask Kenna.

"Yes, mom. James and I are taking care of Gerad just fine. Now go back to your palace stuff."

I smile. "Okay, but call if you need anything."

"I will. Bye, Mom."

"Bye kenny."

She hung up the phone first. I sigh. My little birds are leaving the nest so fast! Kenna is married and has a kid, Kota has a successful career, America is also married and has a baby, May had her first period and has been disappearing, and Gerad, well... is Gerad. At least I still have one little birdie in the nest.

"Come on, mom! America is waiting for us!"

"Alright! Give me a minute!" The maids and palace staff are used to us yelling now. The Singers are a loud family. I grabbed my basket full of sewing supplies and material.

"Ready, girls?" I said once I stepped into the hallway. "Yep!" May is so enthusiastic. It's part of what makes people love her."Of course, mom." America says. She's always the calm one.

As we walk down, America and May start chatting about the baby. Cute little Hope. "So mom, what are you going do do today?" America asks me.

"Well, I'm doing some needle work."

"That's wonderful." I nod.

When we get down there, America and May start doing whatever with Hope, and I start working on the surprise. Since Hope's baptism is soon, I thought I would make her a gown. America dosent know. I hope she dosent notice.

Apparently, while the girls were taking pictures, Hope had her first smile! But then she started crying. "Looks like someone needs a nap." I called. After America changed her into her onsie, she asked me to take her upstairs.

"Sure, honeybunch." It was no problem. Besides, I think America needed to talk to May alone.

By the time I was done putting Hope down, I had to go to lunch. May didin't come, Maxon was doing work, and America seemed distressed. I was just dreaming about what we could do for the baptism. Maeby I could make Astara a dress too!

When America left, I figured I would go back to the Women's room to work on my ideas.

I hope this turns out well.

I am VERY sorry that this is late. The season fanalie of Here comes Honey boo boo was last night, and me and Lady gaga could NOT miss that! Anyway, Im going camping (yes, AGAIN)

so there will be no chapter posted on Saturday. Have a nice weekend!


P.S. I HAVE 900 READS!!!!!! :) HOW?! THANK YOU!!!!!

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