Chapter Two

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As I walked towards the does that led to the balcony, I heard the crowds cheering. So many people had gathered to see our child, the new Princess of Lllea. The first princess born to the Royal Family in generations. Many people also wanted to see if she is a boy or a girl. Maxon and I decided to keep that a secret.

I started to get nervous. With all those people out there...something could go wrong. Maxon must have sensed how I was feeling."Are you all right, America?"

"Yes, I'm just a bit nervous."

"Don't worry. We're just going to show her to them."

"Wich makes me even more worried. I don't want strangers to take pictures of my newborn daughter!"

"Darling, nothing will happen to Hope. There are tons of palace garuds to protect her." He said softly. Maxon looked down at her. His voice lowered even more." And if someone does manage to get passed the garuds, they'll have to get passed me to get anywhere near both of you." I looked deep into his chocolate brown eyes. He was doing the same to mine. We got so close to each other that we were about to kiss, and just as our lips touched, " King Maxon and Queen America?" The moment broke. "It's time." I glanced at the clock. It is. I took a deep breath. I just needed to stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, stay- " Ready, America?" I tried to compose myself.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

· · · · · · · ·

"Now that wasn't so bad, was It?" We were walking back to the nursery and our rooms.

"No, I guess not." When Maxon and I started climbing the stairs, Hope burst out into crying. This was the first time (other that when she was born, obviously) she started crying. "Is she all right?" Maxon asked urgently. "I don't know. We haven't figured out the crys yet."

"Let's just get to the nursery." We began to rush up the stairs with our crying baby. Where's my mom? She would know what to do. My family was still in the Palace, after all. But Maxon and I needed to figure things out for ourselves. Especially since I decided that I did not want a nanny raising Hope. I thought that she should be brought up with her mother talking care of her. "Finally." I huffed. I saw the door of the nursery. Hope was still wailing. To our surprise, when I opened the door, I saw my mother doing something. "Thank gosh." Maxon said. Mom turned around. "Hi, honey. I was just-" "Mom, Hope is crying and I don't know why." She was at my side in what seemed like the blink of an eye. "Well, baby's cry a lot if you haven't noticed. Let me see her." I carefully transferred her from my arms to my mother's. "Well, we need to change her diaper. Let me teach both of you."

"BOTH of us?" Maxon asked.

"Yes BOTH of you. Your going to take care of her too, Daddy."

My mom seemed to be an expert at this, but Maxon and I were clueless. She had to explain everything at least three times. By the time we were finally finished, a maid was summoning us for lunch. ,"Here she is!" My mom said as she handed her go me. Although Hope was only out of my arms for half an hour, I felt relived to be holding her again. My mom smiled. "Let's go down to lunch."


Hello, people who are reading this! You know at the end of the last chapter I apologised for it being so short? Well, I'm sorry that THIS chapter is so short. I planned to make this longer, but I had some writers block. After that ended, I was going to finish the rest of this today, but then my mom told me that we are going to the city. (Not that I'm complaining!) So, I am going to have to pick up where we left off for chapter three. I will be posting the next chapter on Saturday. Bye!


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