POV Thursday number 3

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"It's ready, honey." My mother turned to me. She stroked my chin.

"Just relax. I know your heartbroken now, but soon, you won't be."

I don't think it's like that. At least not this time. It wasn't last tim either, but he helped me escape it, like floating on a cloud that would eventually fade apart and let you fall to cold, hard reality. She moved her hand to my shoulders.

"Just hang in there."

But how can I, if I feel like I've already fallen?

"Okay. Thanks mom." I trudged to the bathroom . Closing the door slowly behind me, I stripped off my clothes. Tight shirt, tight pants, tight everything. Coming off one by one until I see them scattered by the edge of the tub before me. Striping off my clothes took some weight away, but not all of it. Sighing, I slump into the tub. The tub was deep, deep, deep. I felt the tears come again. But this time my face remains dry. Two weeks ago today, Jeff and I broke up. Everything in my life started to crumble. I know I loved Jeff. The tattoo on my arm is there to prove it. Infinity, we said. Let's make this last forever.

And we did.

And oh, how I wish we didn't.

Seeing America on TV every Friday brought back so many memories. After it ended, I couldn't bear to watch the Report.

I couldn't look at my tattoo. I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't even eat chocolate, both Jeff and my favorite food.

The way I was loving him wasn't really loving him. It was the fantasy of moving on, perfectly wrapped in spiky brown hair ang dimpled cheeks.

It was partially, I guess. Not entierly. Not like I should have. Not the way I loved him...

Maxon called earlier. I had belived that I was better, not recovered, but better. No. Hearing his vocie made my force filed waver.

The phone rang, I picked up, and my heart broke all over again. Because,for one brief moment, I thought that he wanted me back. That the night we fell asleep next to eachother would no longer be something just from the past. We could do that every night, if what I thought then was true...

America. He called for advice about America.

I tried, but I couldn't stop myself from crying for hours after.

Woah, Kriss, time to calm down. Soaking in the bath, I just thought about nothing. For the first time in weeks, my mind went blank.

*Ring*Ring*Ring* I could feel my moms weight shifting as she picked up the phone.

"Kriss, sweetheart, it's for you." She peaked her head through the door.

"Thanks, mom." I took the phone from her hand.


"Oh! Hi, Kriss!" I recognized her voice immideatly. You couldn't forget it, all bright and clear. Trying to match her enthusiasm, I brightened my own tone.

"America! How are you?"

"I'm great, Kriss. How are you?" What should I say? Should I spare her the trouble of my problems?

"Oh... I'm okay, America. Just a little sad. Jeff and I broke up."

"I know, Kriss. Marlee told me. I'm so sorry." She could tell I was more than a little sad.

"I knew it would have happened anyway. I loved him, but we just weren't right for each other, I guess..." The tears wete burnig my eyes, forcing their way out.

"Aww, Kriss. Don't cry. There are more environmentalist vegans who are also biologists in the metaphorical sea."

I giggled for convorsation's sake.

"Sure, America. This may seem a bit rude, but why exactly did you call?"

"I figured you may have some advice for me. Maxon and I are having a fight, and I can't figure out what to do."

They both were asking for advice. This was a little funny.Unfortunately, I was fresh out of ideas.

"Well, he is the king, so he is very busy. Mabey try to give him some space? It might be best for now."

"That might work. I think I have to go, but are you really fine?"

No. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't you worry about me."

She doubted this." Okay Kriss. Rest up."



I hung up the phone.

Hello! THAT was long. You can come kill me for not updating in over a month. I'm pushing towards the end of cross country. (Our last meet/ day is Monday!) October was meet month, meaning my schedule looked like a list of nearby towns. After this ends I will be able to update more. My aim is once every two weeks, so the next update is approximately the 14th. Did you all have a good Halloween? I waS a TARDIS :). I am SO sorry for the month of radio scilence. Hopefully, it will never happen again. Bye!


P.S. I know it's not Thursday! Just ignore it. Please!

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