Chapter Twelve

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"I still can't belive that you moved back to Kent!"

"I know! I miss you. So does Charlie. Does Hope miss me?"

"Yep. Who wouldn't?"

She giggles. "Any firsts in the past week?"

"Actually, Hope smiled today!"

"She did? Thats great!"

"How is your new job?"

"I didn't start yet."

"Oh. Carter?"

"He's going in tomorrow. I guess he really grew to like horses over the last couple of months."

We both giggle. "I suppose so."

Carter was the manager of a local stable and Marlee was a store clerk.Most people would keep their caste-assigned positions untill the end of the dissolving, but since Malee and Carter were twos, they could do anything they wanted.

"Have you talked to Kriss latley? How is Jeff?"

"I have, and she and Jeff broke up."

"Really? Why?"

"I didn't ask. She seamed very upset. But I think she was just dating him to get over Maxon."

"Oh, no!"

"It is terrible."

"I'll call her as soon as I can."

"Do you know that Anna is engaged to someone in the French Royal family?"

"She is?"

"Umm humm. You'll get the invitation soon." After a few minuets of gossip and baptism preporations, I decided to ask what I'd been wondering.

"Do you think that you would be able to come to Angeles for a few days soon?"

"I dont know, America. I already have off for the baptism, but it would be hard to get more vacation."

"I see. I should go."

"You should. Don't want to keep the King waiting. Are you working on giving Illea another royal?" Her voice was teasing.

"Shut up."I blushed again.

"Okaay, but tell me when you're planning on another addition."

"Please. Hope was just born. That won't be any time soon."

"Whatever you say."

I groan.

"Goodbye, Marlee."

"Bye, mommy." I hang up the phone.

"Hope, it's official. Your aunt Marlee is crazy." I said while circling my hand around the side of my head. She giggled and pointed. Like many other parents, Maxon and I were trying to teach our daughter sign language. It wasn't catching on. When eaither of us tried to show her a sign, she giggled like she just did. Oh well. "Lets go put your necklace on, hon." I picked her up off my bed. Hope couldn't sit up yet, but she liked laying there.

My daughter wore the necklace from Maxon every day. She was gentle with it, and seemed to like it. I never forget to put it on her, or to remind one of her maids to do it for me.

Unlike how Maxon has been forgetting to talk to me.

I tried to corner him on my way to the Women's room, but it went somewhat like this:

"Hi sweetheart, how's work?"

"Yes, sure, good."

I laughed playfuly. "Maxon, it's me."


"Who do you think?"


"I'm the Doctor. My TARDIS is outside. Wanna come to Barcelona?"

That got his attention. "Oh, hi America. For a secont I thought you were David Tennat..."

Only after I rolled my eyes did I discover that he was serious.

"Would you like to hold Hope? Baby misses daddy." I was serious. He hadn't held her in a while.

"I'm a bit busy right now, America. Possibly later?"

As I stepped closer to him, I said, "Well, if you have a second, mommy also misses daddy." I was also serious. The last time we kissed was Wensday.

He smiled. "Unfortunately, I don't. I'll see you later." He stepped away and continued down the hall.

Okay, maybe the fact that he was looking at papers when I cornered him had to do with why he didn't know who I was. But I HAD to talk to him.

Huffing, I went back to the Women's room.

May came back eventually, but was quiet and reserved. Mom was still working on whatever she was doing. I just tried to teach Hope more of that darned sign language. Soon I just gave up and played peekaboo with her. Dinner went by in a flash. My maids were drawing my bath and helping me remove my makeup in what seemed like the blink of an eye.

"Miss, you seem stressed." Mary said as she helped me into my pajamas.

"Sort of. Maxon has been so distracted that he won't even kiss his own daughter."

"Is he alright?"

"Of course. He just is working alot."

"Sadly, he has to work, he is the King. You can't help that. I would encourage him and let him know that you support him. This amount of work will decrease soon, I know it." She winked at me.

"Thanks Mary. I'll try it."

And I did.

After we both kissed Hope goodnight, I put my arms around his neck before he could leave.

"Are you okay, Maxon?"


"I understand how hard eliminating the casts is. It's wonderful, and I just want to let you know that I love and support you."

"I'm sorry, America, I just don't want to discuss this tonight."

He detached my arms from him and left the nursery.

I focused on the word 'detached'.

He didn't put his arms around me at all in our conversation, hadn't even touched me.

I went to sleep in my own bed, just like the night before this one, and the night before that one. I did NOT like that.

So much for encouragement.


Hiiii! Something I need to say due to the content of this chapter is: I DO NOT OWN DOCTOR WHO. THAT BELONGS TO THE AWESOME PEOPLE AT BBC. I WISH I COULD GET IT FOR MY BIRTHDAY, BUT I CAN'T. BOO HOO.

I finally got my glasses today! Woo hoo! Due to the fact that I lost my glasses, this chapter is late, and the next chapter will be to. Possibly even the one after that. I'm sorry, guys. I had nausea, dizziness, and headaches because I had no glasses. (My perscription is that strong) Plus the fact that I couldn't see, I really could not wright.

Is anyone else excited for the Doctor Who series 8 premier tomorrow? I am! I've been watching reruns all today. I have to go. Geronimo!


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