Children of Kings

Start from the beginning

"It's impossible," Jaime sentenced, slamming the message against the desk and covering it with his hand. "She's lying!" he bellowed with more fury as he stood up.

Robb studied him for a moment and narrowed his clear blue gaze.

"Is she? You are telling me that one of the most fearsome and loyal lady warriors in the Seven Kingdoms is lying to me and everyone about who fathered her child." Robb calmly got on his feet and stared at Jaime. "Tell me again she is lying and I swear on the Old Gods, I'll send your head right to your father because I do not need cowards here."

The Young Lion's nostrils flared as he groaned. "You are a child! A boy! Do you not understand what will happen when my father finds out? When Cersei finds out? They will kill her! And the babe!"

"Your daughter," Robb reminded.

"She's not my-"

"Berit. Mormont or Lannister, I do not know. But know that if you give her your name, I'll allow it. She will inherit the Westerlands. In fact, she is probably the only one I could recognize as heir. But she'll face a hard life inheriting your family history."

He ignored the man on purpose. Robb would have hated to write back to Dany only to tell her that Jaime had not accepted his child. Of course, he could also admit he had no idea what Jaime was up against, since the only woman he had conceived a child with was his wife and neither of them would ever deny it.

Jaime leaned closer to Robb and through gritted teeth he spoke, "They will kill her."

"They might try. The question is, will you allow it? Will you stand back and watch as the woman who fought at your side, who kept you alive and defended you, the one who against better judgment accepted you, die out of your fear?" Robb watched as Jaime took a few steps back, dragging a hand down his face. "Know this is the only child you will be able to call yours. Cersei might be your sister and lover," he spat with distaste. "But she'll never admit those are your children."

"You think I care," Jaime replied with fake laughter, trying to make clear he did not care about the babe born in Bear Island, about the daughter of two of the most skilled and brave warriors the Seven Kingdoms had seen in recent time.

"Mayhap I'm mistaken. But their blood will be in your hands. I will not hesitate to take your life for theirs."

"We are not all built to be fathers, Young Wolf. I gave up on that the day I became a knight." Jaime walked towards the door and attempted to leave, but before he could he added, "Don't think I don't realize she's a piece in this game, a new weapon to win a bloody crown."

"Will you let me sacrifice her? Blood of your blood running all over the Seven Kingdoms."

"Consider my debts to you and your wife paid. I no longer serve to you."

"It is a shame, really. But you're free to go. A horse will be given to you." Robb turned to see Grey Wind growling lowly at Jaime, as if he knew he was betraying them. Robb soothed him and forbid him to attack. "I thought you had changed, Kingslayer."

"People don't change. We can pretend and play a part, but we are still the same." Jaime looked at Robb in the eyes and then laughed as his gaze traveled down to look at the sword with the head of a wolf engraved in its handle. "You just worry about that deal Stannis offered, because I would not trust a man who is bewitched by that fire whore."

Jaime left without another word.

Robb knew perfectly well they would see each other again. It was impossible that their lives would not cross again. He just dreaded the message he would have to send back to Bear Island, but he had to warn them about a possible attempt to end with the lives of Berit and Dacey.

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