Brothers Beyond Blood

Start from the beginning

Shaking his head, Robb sighed. "I should've made time to write but… it's been busy around me." He looked at Arya and smiled encouragingly. "Do you want to write? I'll make sure a raven is sent to The Wall if you wish so."


He chuckled before his hand ruffled her short, boyish hair. "Really. You send him my regards."

She smiled in that way he had forgotten children could smile but it also reminded him that Arya did not have long for being a child. She would soon become a woman, and as such she would need to fulfill the agreement they had reached with Lord Frey. There was no way he could tell her about this and for her to take it well.

"I need to let you know something." She nodded in understanding. "You won't like it but remember that at the time my concern was to free you, Sansa and Father from the Lannisters." At this Arya scowled. There was no reason to say more, to offer a more detailed explanation because the results would be the same. "You've been promised to marry one of Walder Frey's sons."

"What?!" she screeched and jumped out of the seat, startling Grey Wind. "You've given me away like currency."

"Arya, please understand me. I would have been married off long ago wasn't that I was married already."

"It doesn't make it better!" she refuted before she folded her scrawny arms over her chest.

"And there's no need to worry yet, since you… well." He cleared his throat and felt how heat rose up his neck. It was not supposed to be like this. It was not his duty to speak with Arya about this but he did feel it was the right thing to do. "You are not a woman yet."

She eyed him warily and then the tiniest smile appeared on her face. "You look red in the face."

Frowning, Robb only limited himself to pull a face at her, which provoked some giggles like the ones he used to hear back when they knew nothing about war more than what they heard in stories; back when their father was alive.

"You're right," Arya finally said, after putting an end to her fit of laughter. "Many things could happen until that day arrives. He could die! Or he could meet a lady," she mocked with a voice that made him chuckled. "You could make me a member of the Kingsguard."

"Or I could ask you to be part of the Queensguard," Daenerys interrupted which earned her the attention of both siblings.

Robb sighed, knowing there was little he could do to argue with them. Those two girls had in common that stubbornness and they were hot-blooded. A true dragon and a true wolf, both women who he felt were not as submissive as others were.

"I like that!" Arya exclaimed. "I could ride a dragon like Bran and Rickon. We'll need more dragons, you know?"

Daenerys smiled. "You sure? They might take you away from the Gendry. Your duties wouldn't allow-"

Arya pulled a face, and Robb felt like he was looking into a mirror. They both were angry and a little disgusted with Dany's implications.

"I do not like him like that!" Arya spat, furious. "He has helped me. I owe him for all the times he save me, and all the others he did not hand me in exchange of freedom." He turned to Robb and her eyes turned softer. "He reminds me of Jon."

In one glance he took at Dany, Robb knew it was difficult for her to understand. No one could, perhaps. How to explain that Jon was more than the bastard son of their father? Most lords tried to hide their mistakes while Eddard had embraced them. It was honor, Robb believed, even if it had caused so much pain for their mother.

Also, Robb couldn't help but to feel a small bit of jealousy. He should have been the one doing the rescuing and offering help, and yet a stranger had filled the part. Now, he couldn't offer much more than scarce words and poor advice.

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