Yesterday & Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

"Turn around, Young Wolf. Slowly," the man said, gruffly but with eerie confidence.

Facing the man, Robb saw the steely blue eyes full of knowledge. The long white beard and hair only served to make the man look older, despite his tall frame and strong body; the muscles of a seasoned warrior, Robb thought.

"Who are you?"

"A man who has made mistakes. Now, what were you planning to do to your Queen?"

Was he protecting Dany? Did she know about him? His wife surprised him every time with new allies and strange strategies that made her an excellent asset for his plans. But she was much more, she was a perfect companion.

"Greet her." His fingers searched for the handle of his sword, tentatively trying to be ready in case the man decided to attack. But before he could wrap his hand around the weapon, the old man had smacked his hand away with the flat part of his blade. "You think I'll hurt her or do you want to kill her?" he spat.

It was then when a blur of grey fur stood before Robb, growling at the stranger, showing his teeth like a threat.

"Robb!" Arya's young voice called before Robb could hear her small and light feet running towards him. "Robb," she called as she approached him, followed closely by the horses and the rest of the party.

Robb was barely able to turn his eyes to see his beautiful wife, as he was being menaced by the old man's blade placed right under his chin, close to his neck.

"Let him go." Dany's order was clear, and commanding as it had to be. She was a true queen, his queen.

"Do you trust him, Your Grace?" the unknown man asked.

Instead of Dany or Robb replying, it was the Kingslayer the one who spoke up. "Ser Barristan Selmy. Barristan the Bold," he exclaimed with enough irony to make everyone uncomfortable considering the tense situation. "You think she doesn't trust the man who is capable of giving her everything she wants?"

"Ser Barristan?" Arya mumbled.

The man was a legend even now that he was alive. He was one of the best knights the Seven Kingdoms had ever seen, one whose integrity was also to be praised. A man so skilled, despite his age, he was able to scare the likes of Robb Stark and Jaime Lannister.

"He's my husband. My Wolf," Dany called softly. "Let him go."

Drawing back his sword, Ser Barristan complied with her orders, just as Robb commanded Grey Wind to stay back before the animal could jump on the former Lord Commander.

"What are you doing here?" Jaime asked. "Not happy with retirement?"

The man glowered at the Young Lion. Only that made Robb liked him, despite everything that had just happened. Robb doubted the intentions of Barristan Selmy could be to harm them, since it seemed he was hell-bent on protecting Dany.

"Ser?" Dany prodded.

"My Queen," he replied reverently. "I've been looking for you, Daenerys Stormborn, to ask your forgiveness. I've sworn to protect your family. And I've failed." He sunk in one knee before her. "I'm Barristan Selmy, Kingsguard to your father. Allow me to join your Queensguard, and I will not fail you again."


Instead of outright refusing Ser Barristan Selmy's proposition, Daenerys told him that she would think about it. For Robb, everything seemed quite out of place. He did not want to show a divided front, and he feared that by having a Kingsguard and a Queensguard, people would believe there would be a war over power between them, sooner or later.

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