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I smiled at Marzia. "I'll make sure Felix gets back to you." Marzia shared the look when I then remembered something important. "Shit! Where's Luke?Is he alright?"

"He's at the other wing right now. It's the same hospital but a little ways down. He'll be alright, just a few broken ribs. There's not much you can do with that except give pain medication." She looked down at her feet as she answered.
" You can sleep for a few more minutes I think two policemen are on the way." Marzia added.

I fiddled with the thin hospital blankets, Even though he hadn't done anything I was scared for Felix.

"Marzia could you text everyone what happened? I don't know where my phone went." I felt bad for already causing Marzia so much stress but I had to tell Corpse sorry for not being at the live.

"Oh, here" she held a phone out to Me. "Felix found it on the ground. It's a little cracked but still works."

I stared at the broken screen in my hands as it lit up with dozens of messages. My head pounded causing me to fall back into the bed.

"Thank you. I think I'll sleep now, you can go see Felix." Marzia got up from the wooden seat and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Take care ok?" I nodded as she walked out of the room.

Corpse pov

I had been sitting at my desk for hours, waiting for Felix to call and say that everything was fine. In the meantime I just sat and reposted fans stories.

I didn't know why I cared so much. I met Olivia about a few days ago, she could just be a fan looking for a way to expose my face or something.

I shook my head,mentally scolding myself for thinking that. But the image of her starting to shake when there was a small noise around her worried him.

She hadn't even told him much about her past relationship, only that they had been together for about a year when she broke it off a month ago and that she'd seen him at work a few times. Apparently she'd put a restraining order against him but, the police wouldn't do anything when she'd claim to see him around her.

I scrolled through instagram, not finding any delight in the posts of people claiming to know him. Then he came across Olivia's story, The camera was flipped on hers and another mans face while they were singing, no shouting Olivia by one direction.

Her hair was being thrown back into the wind and I had to smile at the girl.

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