
7.1K 156 46

So my Livestream needs one more person, we've got Dave, Sykkuno, Charlie, lily, Valkrae, toast, jack, and some guy Jack is bringing. Wanna play?
Eh I'm not feeling it

it'll be good for you to make new friends after everything that's happened, you've got all the equipment and we're just playing among us

Ok fine dad, tell Marzia I say hi I like her more than you

here's the code FUCOFF
Are we 12 Felix
{read 6:30}

          {a few minutes later}
I set up the computer in the new apartment, Felix most likely knew I'd been unpacking all day. So I just smiled at his attempts of getting me to take a break.

I didn't know most of Felix's friends very well. He had them over at his house every once in awhile but it was kinda weird for them to meet in person often seeing that a lot of them live far away.

My chocolate lab, Luke, strutted his way into the room while I finished up the PC "are you gonna be quiet buddy or do I have to kick you out" I scooted closer to him as he licked my face. "alright you can stay, I'm gonna need a friend this might be a little awkward."

The monitor lit up and my shaking hands entered the code. "Ugh" I sighed, "why do I have to be nervous about everything". A soft voice suddenly echoed through my headset

"Oh hii she here's guys" Sykkuno declared to everyone else. Pewds decided to ruin the conversation I was about to have with sykkuno by complaining "Aw fuck finally took you forever." I sat back into the chair and just rolled my eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I've met most of you but whose Corpse" I raised my eyebrow waiting for him to answer in hopes that he was friendly.

"He's AFK right now but this is the first time most of us have met him also." Rae replied "Jack brought him in right?"

Jack chuckled and everyone got quiet to hear him "sorry, I was reading the chat. But this guy is amazing and he has the best voice you will ever hear" I snapped my head towards the screen and interjected their conversation "does this guy do horror narration?"

"Yea but he's taken a bit of a break from that and released a few songs" Dave answered "why? Are you a fan Olivia?" I fiddled with the wire in my headsets and spinner the chair around. "I've seen a couple of his videos but I think that was like a year ago."

"Mmm interesting" Felix said. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. "Why is that in-" I questioned when people started asking for corpse to answer so we could start. I sat up in anticipation waiting for him to answer.

"Hello friend." He said. Everyone started talking before everything just jumbled together and you could only pick out Rae's voice. I just sat there stunned by how this man sounded.

A couple minutes later everyone calmed down, there was only Corpses embarrassed chuckle and I kind of felt bad for the guy.

"Corpse this is Olivia, Olivia this is Corpse" Felix informed us with obvious information while running between our among us characters.

"Don't think your bring sly buddy I can see you wiggling your eyebrows on stream, I have two monitors ya know" I shared with him. He didn't answer and Sykkuno just laughed.

"Hi Olivia I like your music." Corpse said and my face went red. "Hi Corpse I like your music." I told him. "But how'd you know I sing?"

"I sent him a video from your Instagram" Dave let me know.

"Ok this is sweet and I love seeing the beginning of a new friendship but chat wants to see us playing among us" Charlie said and chuckled after.

Starting game in 5..4..3..2..1

The screen darkened with red as the letters 'imposter' appeared, and with that, my anxiety skyrocketed. "Luke I don't wanna kill anyone" The dog barked and placed his furry head under my hand. When I looked back at the screen Corpses among us character stood next to mine, both names in red.

"Hey I don't think anyone else heard, they all turned their headsets off but make sure your mic is muted next time." I listened carefully to Corpse as he talked to me "Ah shit sorry" I apologized quickly. "It's alright and I can do most of the killing just be on my side ok?"
"Sounds good partner" I told him.

They both made their way down to storage where Corpse immediately killed toast and headed for electrical.

Corpse pov
"Man this girl really won't kill anyone will she" I muttered to the chat, laughing a bit. "it's alright I can help her out" when we made it to electrical I stopped to read the comments while she went on without me.

User: low key ship corpse and Olivia
Cat_girl5: who is she
E_girll: she kinda annoying
Ella3: I wanna see them play more together

I spoke up, not wanting to see if there were more hate comments about Olivia. "Be nice guys sounds like Liv is-" the dead body report interrupted his sentence when Rae started shouting.

"IT WAS CORPSE OR SYYKUNO!" I messed with the mouse pad on the desk and prepared to lie.

"No way! I was with Corpse in security with Charlie, right Charlie?" Olivia shouted over the rest of the streamers. I winced at her sudden outburst and held my hand to the headset.

Charlie reluctantly answered after Olivia had explained everything and I was pleasantly surprised at how well she lied. "I'm a little suspicious of Rae now" Olivia informed the group.

After a couple of minutes of discussing, well arguing, they voted Rae out and I had the feeling this would be a successful imposter round.

Olivias pov
They had played for about 2 hours until everyone started saying leaving. People's goodbyes echoed throughout that audio until Corpse and I were the only ones left.

"Hey check your phone." I heard him say before he also logged off and disappeared from my monitor. I glanced down at the screen that was now lit up on my desk.
Corpse_husband has requested To follow you
I smirked and pressed accept.

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