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I danced around my room trying to find confidence in doing so, but I still felt as nervous as ever. Anxiety was a normal feeling. It was normal, repetitive and I was tired of it.

Today is the Fourth of July, today I talk to corpse after months of silence. It was weird we called for the first time after his big disappearance. All he told me about it was that he had some health problems but I knew I would ask him more about it tonight-if he seemed comfortable.

I checked my phone and my heart pounded as I flew through the notifications of people following my twitch account, I'm not that big of a streamer right now but watching my channel grow always give me one thing to look forward to. I saw a text from Aspen saying they had already made it to the park and I cursed.

I was supposed to pick up Corpse, he had just met up with Sykkuno to film a tiktok and was closer to my area so it made the most sense but then there was the issue that I'm always either terribly late or terribly early in this case it was late.

I hurriedly slathered deodorant on my arms and under boobs, basically any place in jeopardy of smelling bad. Then I threw a shorter sundress on and flew out the door, still stumbling to get my wedge-heels on.


The drive wasn't too bad but halfway through I realized I hadn't been playing any music and was silently driving along. which was weird for me, so when pulling into Sykkuno's driveway I cranked E-girls and started bopping my head to the beat hoping they'd hear inside.

When I hopped down from the car two black haired men walked out, both smiling like boys. "I pulled up with style right?" I grinned and struck a pose. The worrying from earlier seemed to melt away seeing them smile.

Corpse stood next to me "Yeah for sure." I shifted my weight, not used to seeing him again.

"Your arm looks better" Sykkuno told me. "yeah now I can play the guitar and be that artsy streamer all the teenage girls watch" I said sarcastically. "That's funny cause I'm guessing most of your audience is actually teenage girls" Corpse commented. "Actually there's a large male proportion of my audience"

"Probably cause they think your hot" Sykkuno said and we faced him, wide-eyed. "That..doesn't seem like something you'd say buddy" Corpse said half laughing. "I'm surprising"

I shook my head and E-girls ended. I walked to the other side and pulled open the passengers seat door, acting like a gentleman for Corpse. "I'm afraid we must be on our way" I announced and waited for corpse to hop in.

We said our goodbyes and eventually left syykuno's driveway. Things were lighthearted and easy when it wasn't just the two of us but now we actually had to talk to each other...which I was dreading.

"I apologize for disappearing off the face of the earth for a few months" He said after a few seconds. "That's all right, but wait-why did you leave? If your ok with me asking"

His eyes surveyed the trees outside the car window. "I uh..." He stuttered and I regretted asking anything. "This sounds stupid but I saw you and Dream...er Clay talking and well."

I moved my eyes from the road and stared at him for a second while he found his words. "I just felt like I wasn't needed there at that moment. Then there was the health issues and things just kinda piled up, I wanted a break. I apologize for not explaining" His voice strained a bit and my heart dropped. Here he was struggling but I was only worried about what he thought of me.

I gripped the wheel tighter. "It's ok you don't have to apologize about anything, I just wished you would've talked to me." We stopped at a light. "I mean you don't have to, it's not like you have an obligation to tell me."

"But Olivia" I saw Corpses gaze shift to me. "The thing is I want to be able to tell you stuff, the last few months were a mistake and it was painful not being  able to be with you" I parked the car but didn't move.

"Are we gonna talk about Tommy thinking we had sex?" I asked straight out and his face went a little red. "I-"

"But in all seriousness, there's nothing going on between me and Dream he just wanted to do a video and all honesty I was using that for clout, you most definitely are needed I quite like having you around" I looked him in the eyes. Fuck he has beautiful eyes.

To get my mind off of the fact that I have raging Feelings for him I opened the car door, sighed then hopped out. "Wait Olivia, thank you-" the noise of the people laughing and talking drowned out his voice and I waved my hand calling him to walk with me.

"Olivia I think we should talk more about what happened" he caught up with me. "We can do that later let's find everyone else" I said desperately, as much as we needed to talk about it I really did not want to embarrass myself anymore. But he was jealous of dream. I wiped my sweaty hands on my clothes and led the way.

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