"Even to the bathroom?"

"Even to the bathroom." Salvatore replied. "But, during school times and when you are at home, he or she will be hidden in plain sight so they can get you out of danger if something happens."

"So they won't be going to school with us?"

"No, they won't." nodded Salvatore, "But they will be within the school boundaries in case of an emergency."

"But why do I need a bodyguard?"

"Have you not listened to anything Salvatore said?" Santino drawled menacingly.

"You must be a bigger idiot than we originally thought." commented Salvino, and I felt my ire raise at his words.

"No, I got the fact that we need it for protection," I nearly spat out, "But why this much? They have Samantha already, and Ace said that she will be back in no time. It's not like they're going to be sending troops to try and kidnap us. Whoever your enemy is won't have the manpower or stuff they need to actually barge into the school unless they're the Mafia or something."

Sandeo choked on his saliva at my words.

"Can you repeat that, sis?" he gasped.

"I said that whoever your enemy is as you all don't trust me enough to tell me," I started in a slow, patronizing way. "Won't have enough guns or crap like that to actually try and barge into a school unless they were in the Mafia or is like this huge CEO of this huge company.

"But it's not like any CEO's would actually run a Mafia," I continued, disbelief ringing in my tone. "They probably wouldn't even have enough money to hire people for another attack."

My brothers were clearly surprised at my logical thinking, and I saw Salvatore try to recompose himself.

"That's where you're wrong," he sighed, "How do you think they managed to attack a party two times and still get away with it? It has to be someone with big money and the manpower."

"You cannot be implying what I think you're implying."

"I don't know," Salvatore said, "What do you think I am implying?"

I crossed my arms across each other, trying my best to not fidget under his stare. "You're saying that one of the Mafias is your enemy." I stated incredulity in my tone.

"You can say that." Sandeo piped in for his brother, and I shook my head, trying to process and soak in as much as I could before I forgot.

It wasn't long before I managed to do just that, and I felt my eyes widen on their own accord as I stared at my brothers in both shock and fear.

Don't tell me that not only did Salvatore make an enemy of a Mafia, but the Mafia planned all those attacks against us? For what? Money? Bargaining tools?

"Wait," I muttered, "Let me get this straight. All two attacks... They were all from a Mafia?"

"Bingo!" Sandeo exclaimed, clapping his hand.

"How in the world did you get them to notice you?" I inquired.

"No idea," Salvestro shrugged, giving me a lighthearted grin. There was nothing lighthearted about the situation.

"Oh my God, we're all going to die." I whispered in horror, and as expected, Salvestro immediately tried to comfort me.

"We aren't going to die, Bambina." he whispered soothingly, and I sent a glare his way.

"Yeah?" I challenged, "It's not like you guys have the people to do all the dirty work for you, and even if you did, none of your office workers know how to use a gun properly."

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