"No. But I would appreciate he didn't take them as if they were here to please him."


"I need them to help me with my dragons. They are getting bigger and need constant care so they don't misbehave." She walked closer to him and flattened her hands over the desk. She looked into his eyes as menacingly as she could. "Tell him or I will."

"Fine," he breathed out. He didn't feel like arguing at the moment and she was taken aback by how easy he had come to agree with her.


"As soon as I see him. Now, is there anything else you need?"

"Many things but you will say no to most of them."

He stood up and smiled tiredly at her. She was indeed full of fire and fought constantly for her right to walk freely around Winterfell, to ride her horse and to just not hide anymore. It was too dangerous for many people – especially for them.

"But I would appreciate your help to feed my dragons since I can't find Doreah or Jhiqui." Dany clasped her hands in front of her and Grey Wind, at his side, seemed mesmerized by her.

Maybe it was true that each of the direwolves was like its owner because Robb had found himself thinking about Daenerys often, and most of the times it was because she offered a shelter to this life. She was the one who made him forget all the troubles but at the same time had created them all.


He cursed one more time when Drogon tried to bite his finger again.

Daenerys laughed at his deep scowl.

"I believe he's not fond of me," he muttered sullenly while feeding Rhaegal, her green dragon, who acted much better than his brothers, at least towards him.

"He's very good friends with Grey Wind, though." Daenerys pointed out at the dragon standing over the direwolf's back. They also played together and curled on the floor due to the heat the dragons brought.

It had been especially disturbing to see Rickon napping while next to Viserion – the best behaved dragon as far as Robb knew. The white dragon was quite attached to Bran, as well, since they seemed to share a bond not even Daenerys could comprehend. All in all, Bran had a great communication with animals, like with his direwolf, Summer.

Robb shook his head. "Never thought this would be one of my duties as husband."

"I never thought we'd sleep with a direwolf in our bedchambers but I haven't argued with you about it." She was gracious as she took care of her babies. "It's only fair."

He watched her encouraging her dragons to spit fire, flames even if they were just colorful sparks, because they had been doing it at the most inopportune times lately – like that dress of hers they had burned without intention. And the last thing they wanted was to see someone screaming about a fire inside the castle or direwolves with furs charred by those three lizards.

Irri shot him a shy glance as she fed Viserion.

Of all her maidens, Irri was the closest to Daenerys and Robb had noticed her studying him. Sometimes it felt like she disapproved of him and how different he was from her people. Others, it felt as if she was measuring him, studying him whenever he happened to be around her khaleesi.

And regarding that title, he didn't hold much fondness for it. But that was his wife, the one with many titles that had never meant much. She was entitled to be Queen and play as Lady of Winterfell when his mother was away, but she was none of that at the same time.

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