She scowled at him and slapped his hand away. "I'm fine! I just don't feel like leaving the bed yet. Send one of the maids with some food and I'll be perfect."

One corner of his mouth curved up. It infuriated her to no end to see how he thought she was a joke. He didn't see her as a queen nor fear her – he just saw her as a woman, as his wife. Funny thing was, she couldn't find in him the devious figure of the son of one of the men that had rebelled against her father. She couldn't find that reason to hate him with all her being.

"You don't want to join your husband? I wanted to introduce you to my family."

She sank deeper under the furs. "I'm not in the mood."

He cackled and the sound surprised Grey Wind, making his ears drop.

"You're a child. A spoiled child at that, my queen," he teased and soon he met the fury in her eyes. "Come on. Join me." He outstretched a hand and offered it to her. "If you are cold, you can come back here later for a warm bath."

"I liked you better when you weren't as cheerful as you are now," she replied, eyeing his hand warily. She knew she couldn't hide in their bedchambers forever – especially not if she didn't want to look scared of the Starks and the northmen.

The way in which his lips curved to smile was warmer than she had ever seen anyone smile. Not that she had seen many people smiling at her - at least not honestly. And comparing it to others, the only other people who smiled at her like that were Ser Jorah, perhaps Ser Willen Darry but she had been too young to remember it, and Drogo once or twice since he had found out she was carrying their child.

"If things continue like they have so far, you will probably see me in a bad mood more often than not."

She wanted tell him his bad mood was nothing compared to Drogo's or Viserys'.

At that moment, there was a tap on the door, and both master and beast lifted their heads. They were soon at the door, opening it and revealing a boy, a child that looked like Robb.

"Rickon," Robb greeted affectionately and the boy in front of him looked sheepish yet happy. "I'll join you in the hall in a moment."

"Who is she?" Rickon asked, pointing openly at Daenerys who watched the scene from bed.

She was all wide eyes. She was the youngest of her siblings and never needed to take care of Viserys – he wouldn't have allowed such thing either. It was difficult for her to understand the relationship between Robb and Rickon, and why the boy seemed so content at the sight of his brother. She hadn't been too happy when Viserys was around because it usually involved plans of how to sit back in the Iron Throne.

Robb soon fell quiet and looked at her, hoping she would come to his aid when he failed at making things simple for a child. An explanation for a marriage out of convenience, just to play the game of politics and keep her safe – but don't be fooled, she knew she was also part of Eddard's plan in case anything failed. She was at a loss too.

"My wife," Robb muttered simply.


"Like Mother to Father. She's my wife," Robb said.

The small boys said nothing and only looked confused, brow furrowed and hands firmly holding onto a black direwolf that looked bigger than his owner. Robb had reluctantly shared the story of how he had found his pet and the litter of direwolves that were shared out among his siblings – one direwolf for each Stark.

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