Author's Note: Sharing Few Things.

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The truth is that I didn't want to actually reply, because I didn't want to fall so low. I believe that people like this one deserve ignorance and only, but the second comment triggered me. So, I replied, I tried to be very kind, since I deny losing my manners and humanity for anybody, and then I reported the user's account, blocked it and reported both of the offensive comments. I informed him/her about what I was going to do and I stated that I wouldn't delete the comments, even though this app gives me this right and I'm glad about it at some point.

I need to confess that this kind of incidents were happening to me extremely often in the past, especially for some of my stories, but back then I was deleting the comments and blocking the users. I wasn't doing it for me, I have to make it clear, I was doing it for them and all the other users, because I wanted to protect the offenders and also not frustrate the readers who read my books, since some were also referring to those who like my books.

This thing has changed a lot the last two months though, as I am extremely tired of reading so rude and full of hatred comments. Something familiar happened recently in another book of mine when someone called me terrible human being. In that case I wanted to report her too, but when I got in her profile, I saw that she was writing a story and I changed my mind for a very specific reason. I didn't want to be the reason that her account would probably receive the consequences and she would have to start from the beginning with the story of hers. I don't know if I was too kind, stupid or logical, but I didn't report her, I just blocked her immediately, but didn't delete the comment.

Back to the last incident...

Why didn't I delete the comments?

It is simple, guys! Because I would protect this behavior by hiding the incident and this isn't fine by me anymore. I want to show to all of you and other people like the one who wrote them, that this is wrong and dangerous. I want to give an example as to what you should never, ever do to anybody, because I am sure that you would be hurt, if this happened to you.

I'll take things one by one to explain better.

Firstly, we all know that nobody forces us to read something we don't like or agree with. We are free to stop at any time. Secondly, when we don't like something, this doesn't give us the right to insult anyone (in our case, we are talking about books, so we mean the plots, the heroes and the writers of them). Thirdly, when we talk like that, there can be consequences, for this we have to be careful and put our tongue in our brain before we begin to write something. Fourthly, we are committing a serious crime, because we don't know how much and in which way this is going to affect the receiver of it and we could be the reason for something bad. And last, but not least, we can't believe that we are something special, when we annihilate someone and his 'creation'.

Who are we to judge somebody else and his opinion? Have we walked in his shoes? Do we know what he has been through or how he is going to feel because of our words? Are we capable of insulting when we weren't, aren't and won't be perfect? Would we like to be insulted like this?

Think about all these and tell me, am I crazy?

Honestly, I call all these 'people' with a specific characterization: public dangers!

I mean it.

I will give to that user my reply through this note, because I wanted to write more, but I didn't.

I have more concept than him/her, who wrote it, this is the only thing for sure, because I know how to talk, how to respect, be mature, polite and self-collected. I have proved it countless times when I get offended, but I don't offend back. I'm ashamed when I hurt and insult someone even by accident, I apologize and I respect anyone no matter what.

In addition, I have enough self-worth, even though many don't like it, because they are feeding themselves and filling their gaps from other people's misery, sadness, problems, pain and desperation, and I have enough self-worth, since I didn't accept this attack and any other attack and I'll never accept it.

Some know about it from another note of mine, but I will say it again!

I had depression after too many years of melancholy, I was at zero, I didn't believe in me, I hated me, but I never, ever accepted this kind of behavior. There are lines you don't cross and when I don't bother or insult you, you won't bother me as well. If you can't be polite, you can close your mouth and protect yourself from humiliation, because in this case I didn't even get touched, but the 'clever', 'perfect' user did.

I want to pass some messages through my stories. Those who don't want or can read them till the end, they are free to stop, I'm perfect with it, we are different and we can't agree in everything. But nobody, NOBODY can ever judge before he has a complete opinion of any story he reads, and I am talking about every single story there is, not just those of mine.

Manners and respect cost us nothing, this is when we prove our worth and I deny losing my humanity and everything I was taught, just because some creatures want to show off themselves by using me and any other person.

I want to close my reply to her and message to everyone generally at this point and continue with something else I need to say.

Guys, I'm strong, I can stand incidents like this and I don't need to prove who I'm through my stories. I just want to make people happy, keep them company, encourage them to make dreams and be strong, give them reasons to think and help anyone by inspiring him, because I was living a real hell due to depression and writing stories is like my cure, my anti-depression tip. I can live by writing my stories for myself and not necessarily publishing them anywhere. Also, I know who I am now, I know my worth, because all of us are worthy of the best.

But... There are other writers and people in our everyday life, who can't bear behaviors and words like these. You wouldn't like it as well, this is the logical thing, so please try to be careful, and I'm referring to those who actually do this and are quick to commend. I'm more than certain that those, who haven't stopped reading my books, don't do this, because I know that we are friends, have many things in common and this is why you keep on reading my books and supporting me, but if anyone has skipped everything and came in this note, please think about it.

Don't do what you don't want the others to do to you, it's that simple. Don't hurt anyone around you, this is a crime, seriously. Accept everybody with his flaws, different opinions and weird ideas. Being different is what makes us unique, useful and 'perfect'. We fill each other's gaps, this is our true nature and nobody is less important or useful than anyone else. Love with your heart and not just with your words when it suites you, prove what an amazing person you are by showing your love, respect and not by spreading hatred. Think before you say and write something, is it kind, is it necessary?

There are young writers who are scared of sharing their stories, because of public dangers like this one above, and it's awful. It's their dream to become great writers, but fear keeps them down, it is unfair.

Report anyone who does the same or familiar things, keep yourself and everyone else safe, don't accept or try to ignore this unbelievable and serious behavior.

And at this point, mmm... I think I have one more, small announcement to make. I am thinking about starting a general book-note with my opinion about many things from our everyday life and we could discuss about the topics. Also, you could even send me your ideas about the future topics. I will write when I feel that I need to share something with you and it won't affect the other books' updates. You see, when I am really down, I have inspiration and I can write about things that I see, and bother, annoy or hurt me, so yeah, a book-note is very possible. For you who are interested in it, I'm sure you will get the notification, because you follow me. For those who aren't, I will be tiring, but it's alright.

I guess that this is it for now. This Note came to its end with this last announcement (or thought).

I will update this story in the next days, I promise. Please, be patient for a little bit longer, okay?

I love you all very much and I am waiting for your opinions about everything I said above.

                               Yours, Marie.

His Rejected 'Queen'.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang