Queen's Battle!

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She is not the usual type of Queen, she doesn't need to be saved, she needs loyalty to rise!

~some time later, palace~

Diana's pov

The battle has begun at South in a big, clear valley with Daniel in lead!

He is the first that jumps on the first rogue he has in front of him and rips his throat out in less than a second but he is not alone!

All the others are next to him with Aiden, Jeremy, Andrea, Peyton and Parker closer than anybody else! They are doing great, they are covering and helping each other, their moves are perfectly synchronized!

The rogues are about 200 and this is the warriors' number Daniel took with him!

He chose again Aiden and Derek's teams because they are cooperating perfectly and he also took about 120 permanent warriors to reach the 200 he needed!

The battle is not so difficult, the rogues are not so well trained, in fact I would call them weak but more of them keep on coming replacing those that are falling on the ground dead! I am sure this is a plan of that asshole, he knows he can't mess with our army but he wants to frustrate us by adding another for each one we kill and he is accomplishing it!

I mean, I am furious and I don't know how I am holding back and I am staying here! I don't know how Daniel and the guys are doing it, the bastard wants to get them tired and I have to say this is a clever tactic but not that much when I am here and I can see everything!

And as for this...

You are surely going to ask me how I know all these and I understand your confusion and curiosity, I haven't explained you anything yet!

Everything is Caroline's job!

Yes, she casted a spell which is allowing her to see everything that is taking place through Daniel's eyes and she can share her vision only with one very specific person, me!

I am his mate, the closest one to him and this is why I can see everything by taking her hands in mine, closing my eyes and focusing on Daniel!

I am glad I can see, I was dying when he left and once Caroline told me I could share his vision with her, I just felt alive again! Daniel has no idea about it and this is not bothering him either! Caroline is not interfering in his mind, she is just observing everything through him and I have to say I am calmer in this way!

It's a relief to know how he is and what is happening, I have forgotten about everybody else although we are not alone with Caroline! We are in the main hall where the party was taking place and all the fighters and the rest of the family and our friends are here! All of them are waiting for me to tell them what is happening or any order of mine or even news from the other guards around the territory!

So, back to our topic because Daniel has taken fire and he is making the one kill after the other! I have never seen him so angry, he has full control and Devon is not in lead, at least for now! I knew he is the strongest and fastest there is but believe me, this is beyond every imagination!

He is faster than the wind, killing is too easy for him, it's like he is playing with toys and he is helping everyone around him! He is doing an amazing job, he has not even a scratch on him and he is still very calm, he hasn't lost his temper, he is logical and effective, maybe more than anybody else!

He is always looking around him, he is always ready to block, attack and kill and his gaze is now travelling everywhere like he is searching for something or...

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