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Namjoon ended up being my tour guide as he geeked out over every single thing the technology museum had to offer.

I simply followed the excited nerd, nodding to everything he said. He excitedly dragged me from one technological era to the next. At least he made it interesting.

"My head feels so full of words" I say with a tired sigh. We finally went through the whole museum, waiting for our lunch.

"The display they had was quite impressive" Namjoon says as he looks through more pamphlets of whatever he grabbed from the museum.

"If you could get one thing from that museum, what would it be?" I ask. He looks up from his pamphlet as he thinks of an answer. He looks me straight in the eyes.

"I don't know. It's interesting but I'm pretty happy with today's technology" he happily says. I give his answer a smile.

"That's not the nerd answer I was expecting" I admit.
"I'm all about progression. The past brings us closer to the future but it still stays in the past" he says with a shrug.

"Very wise answer. Have you ever considered becoming a monk?" I ask.
"Why would you say that?" Namjoon asks as he squints his eyes, trying to understand my reasoning.

"The monks I met before are all quite wise, like you" I explain.
"I'll take that as a compliment then" he says as he turns back to his pamphlets.

"You're all about compliments today, aren't you" I tease, looking over to his pamphlets. I don't even get a chance when Namjoon excitedly holds a pamphlet up.

"We should go to this one next" he excitedly says.
"We should probably meet up with everyone else" I use the same tone as him.

"Oh yeah" he says, slightly disappointed.
"Don't tell me you forgot about them. The exact people you cherish so dearly" I tease.

"It was a peaceful day today, ok?" He snaps back.
"You're one to talk. You bring the destructive vibe" I say.

"I didn't break anything today" he states.
"And you're doing a great job, sweetie" I coo.

"Do you think the others will actually want to go here" Namjoon says with a slight pout.
"I don't know. We can still ask" I say.

"Let me rephrase that. Will the others actually take it seriously?" He asks. I snicker.
"I know Yeri would. I could hook you two up" I say with a wink.

"No thanks. I'm not interested" he shuts me down real quick as his eyes travel back to his pamphlets. I frown immediately.

"I like her" I mention.
"I like her too but I'm definitely not looking for a relationship right now" he says, totally uninterested.

"You're boring unless-" I say then gasp dramatically at a possibility.
"What?" He deadpans as he glances over in response to my dramatic gasp.

"-unless you already like someone" I say with a smirk.
"Not at all" he denies and turns back to his pamphlets. He looks like he's telling the truth. I drop my act.

"Then I don't see what your problem is. We are in the city of love and you're blowing your chance with a beautiful girl" I carry on.

"Will you shut up if I go with her?" Namjoon tiredly asks.
"Maybe, but I'm not making any promises" I say with a growing smile.

"I'll take those chances" he says with a nod.

"And where'd your friend go?" Namjoon asks.
"Who-Lucas?" I ask.
"I don't know" Namjoon says with a shrug.

Mama I'm in love (Bts x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz