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I broke down the moment I closed my bedroom door. I flop on my bed, rubbing my face as if I could rub away what I'm feeling.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what the right thing to do is. I'm not the hero of some cliched story. It's so much easier to be the villain.

Why am I even running from them? I'm the one who wanted to be friends with them.

But I wanted a fake friendship where they only saw the good and not all the other baggage. I just wanted to have the feeling that someone trusts me and I can have a normal conversation with me. I didn't want everything else. I didn't think they would want to help me. I didn't think they would chase after me.

Yet here they are, trying to unravel my story.
It would've been better if I never surrendered in the first place. I should've just continue to run away, dragging my sister and Lucas along.

I slide the door open to the backyard, taking a seat in one of the lounging chairs, staring at the stars. The one good thing about this place is the stars. It unravels the universe in a beautiful spew.

I hear the door slide open, closing again. I don't even need to look to know who it is.
Lucas silently sets a new glass of wine on the arm of my chair and takes the empty chair next to me.

"Sorry" we both say at the same time, our eyes glued to the bright sky.

We continue to silently stare at the sky trying to identify the constellations. I always had trouble to identify them while Lucas spotted it with ease.

Our glasses were eventually empty.

"I'll follow you, whatever you decide to do" Lucas says as he takes both glasses, heading back inside.

He didn't need to tell me that he was coming since I know he'll always follow me, but it's always nice to hear it.

I just hate how he gives me the freedom for my decisions.

On the one hand, I want to live with my sister, even if it's just for a little while. I want to see her enjoy life.

But on the other hand, I actually grew attached to people, people that are trying to help my situation. Should I rather go with them and try to help them in any way I can?

But Irene-I want to show her everything I've built.

Maybe I should ask her for advice. Since she already knows everything that's happening, she could give me a solid opinion.

"Psh-you seriously upset over this?" Irene scoffs with an amused smile.
"Just give me some useful advice" I say, crossing my arms.

"They visited me today, well yesterday. Can you like ever come at a reasonable hour?" she asks, leaning back in her bed.

"They're probably not gonna leave you alone" I say. If I need to make a decision, it has to be now. They came a lot quicker than what I thought.

"That's not a bad thing" she smirks.
"Don't be weird" I say, pulling a face.

"You won't be mad if I steal one or two, right" she says.
"I'm not here to talk about boys. I'm here for your advice" I try to get her back on track.

"I'll take that as you won't be mad. Thanks sissy" she beams a smile.
"Concentrate. Tell me what to do" I say, looking her in the eyes.

"Can't you do both?" She asks. I look at her to continue.

"Like, bring them along. We can still have our plans, simple" she shrugs.
"They have their own lives. I can't just bring them along" I say.

"Why not? Did you even ask? You can even kidnap them if you really want to" she says.
"I'm not going to kidnap them" I roll my eyes.

Mama I'm in love (Bts x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя