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"Sure sure" I say, not caring because I know it's a silly crush. Taehyung frowns and I look away, pretending I didn't see.

"I would've preferred you pretending than that answer" he says.
"I told you before, it's infatuation, a silly crush. It will go away, I guarantee" I say, feeling extremely sure.

"And I told you that you're wrong" he says as I stand up from my bed, heading to my wardrobe.
"Do you even remember the bet we had?" He asks as I throw my outfit for the day on my bed.

"Erm, something along the lines of me confessing to you before we leave France" I say.
"And if you did, I'll be your boyfriend and if you don't, we'll be friends. Guess what, there isn't much time left so I suggest you just do it now" he says with a cocky grin.

"You do realise you are still on the floor, right?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, grabbing my tossed clothes from my bed.

"What does that have to do with anything" he says with a smirk. I sigh, clothes in a bundle in one hand, as I walk over to Taehyung. I squat down to look him in the eye. He's looking extremely excited.

What kind of words do I need to use to make him understand? I don't want to be harsh but being nice hasn't gotten me far.

...But I can't be harsh with this face.

"I am not interested. Go chase after Yeri. She's a great girl" I say.
"What do I need to do for you to like me? Is it my looks or personality or what? Please just tell me" Taehyung says, looking desperate which breaks my heart.

"Be yourself with someone else" I tell him and leave before I look at any more heart breaking faces.

I feel like absolute trash when I get ready for the day but it had to be done. He's better off with someone else.

I enter my room again to see that he's not on the floor anymore. I toss my pyjamas in the laundry basket because it smells a lot like Taehyung.

I open my door to see a frantic Jungkook.

"Finally. You're awake. We need to leave-like now" Jungkook says as he grabs my arm.
"Yeah yeah. Let me just grab an apple or something" I say but he continues to rush.

"You don't understand. They are coming in an hour" Jungkook says and I yank back my arm.
"Then I have plenty of time to eat. I can make pancakes for everyone. It's killer" I convince him but he grabs me by both arms, staring at me intensely.

"You need to leave because they are coming. I thought it over and you can't go to jail. You wouldn't last a week" he says and I raise an eyebrow. I've been in jail longer than that...

"Is this reverse psychology because I already agreed I would go" I say, growing suspicious. I don't know what he's playing at.

"I'm being serious. Take your car and leave. I can handle the people coming" Jungkook says, grabbing my coat and shoving it towards me.

"If you were being serious, why didn't you cancel like the first time?" I ask, very suspicious.
"I postponed and they are already angry at me" Jungkook says but shakes his head aggressively.

"You need to go, right now" he says as he struggles to open the door. I see his nerves are shot. I put a hand on his shoulder and he calms down.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"As I said, I've thought this over and I don't think you deserve to go to jail" he answers.
"You don't know all the things I've done. I'm definitely not proud of a few things but nevertheless, I did it" I say. His shoulders sink a bit.

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