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I crashed the minute my head hit my pillow. I left the group to fend for themselves once we entered my house.

Another home I owned through owning my hotel. Difference is that this isn't my permanent home so it's usually rented out to A-list celebrities or the people who can actually afford it.

I have a lot of homes around the globe. Some more remote than others. I like the silence once in a while too.

I hear my door opening.

"Psst" I hear someone say. I groan in response. They dare to enter my pitch black room.

"What?" I groan out since they were standing right next to me.
"Let's explore" I hear V's deep voice. I can hear the huge grin on his face.

"Just give me five minutes" I mumble as I face-plant back into my pillow.
"Now" he whines as he shakes me.

"I'm up" I say into my pillow, clearly lying to myself and to V.
Then blinding lights as he pulled back my curtains.

"Aish...So impatient..." I say as I sit up. I yawn then stretch as I lazily look over V. The sunlight hits him perfectly. I stare at him with a dazed stare.

"What?" He asks with a cute tilt of his head.
"No wonder you're a model" I say over lazy eyes.

"Flirting this early in the morning" he says with a smirk as he walks closer.
"Just take the compliment" I say and yawn again.

"I can't help but think a little bit further than that" he says with a pinch of his fingers, being all cute and stuff.
"Stop acting all cute" I say as I flop back in bed.

"You're starting to sound a lot like my girlfriend. I think you might know her" he says, being sly. I can already predict this conversation. Let's switch it up a bit.

"Good for you" I put an end to the conversation as I roll on the other side. It's too early for his nonsense.

He makes unsatisfied noises. I can already imagine the pout on his face.

"You're supposed to ask me who my girlfriend is" he whines as he shakes me, making my bed move.
"I don't need to know. Your love life is your love life. Frankly, I don't care" I say as I twist around to glare a little at him.

He stops his shaking as he stares me dead in the eyes. I don't back down with my tiny glare. A smirk grows on his face.

"You should care. After all, it wouldn't make any sense if my girlfriend doesn't care about my love life" he slyly says. I'm gonna put an end to this.

"Taehyung, I am not your girlfriend. Sure, you're beautiful but my priority is to be friends with you" I tell him as clear as it can get.

He still doesn't lose that damn cheeky smile of his.

"We will see what happens in the future" he says with his boxy grin. I roll my eyes at his response.

"Let's make a bet" he says. My ears perk at the word.
"What kind of bet?" I ask. I can never back down from a challenge.

"If you confess to me before we head back home, I'll be your boyfriend" he says with a boxy smile.

"This sounds like a rotten bet. What's in it for me?" I ask, folding my arms.
"If you don't, I won't bother you again and we will stay friends" he says.

"This bet sucks" I complain. I don't see how I can get anything out of this.

"Well then, I'll just keep bothering you until then" he says getting closer to my face.
"You're gonna bother me either way" I counter.

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