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"Oh, me and Lucas? We go from way back" I say.
"You two dating?" Jungkook asks.
"No, I used to have a huge crush on him but not anymore" I admit.

"Don't tell him that though" I quickly add on.
"What, he didn't know?" He asks.
"I don't think so. You see, I can't lie to Lucas so if he really wanted to, he would've asked me and I would say yes and he would reject me" I sum up real quick.

"Why do you think he would reject you?" He asks.
"Curious, aren't you?" I ask as I chuckle a bit at him.

"What can I say? So back to my question" he says. He seems genuinely interested.

"Well, we were always friends and will forever stay friends. He doesn't see me more as a good friend. I have come to terms with it so I'm fine" I say with a smile.

"So, you interested in anyone else?" He asks.
"Of course, you and the others" I say as I signal the waiter. He comes rushing.

"No, I mean romantically" he says.
"Why are so interested in my love life?" I ask with a bit of a chuckle as I pull out cash for our meal.

"Let me pay" he says.
"Too late" I say with a smile as I hand the money to the waiter.

"Keep the change" I say with a wink to the waiter. He goes red and retreats with a 'thank you. Please come again'.

"No, come on. Let me pay you back" he says.
"Nope, you work hard. Let me treat you" I say as I start gathering my things. I sigh at all the things Jungkook 'won'.

"Next time, I'll treat you" he says with determination.
"We'll see" I say with a smirk.

"So, how are we doing this?" I ask Jungkook. I refer to the prizes he chose.
"Hmm..." this guy really is impulsive.

"So, the teddy bear and the sweets are yours" he says as he thinks about a solution.

"You take the trolley and return it tomorrow. I will heave back the bear and my sweets" I say.
"I can walk you back then we could both use the trolley" he says.

"No, it's ok. It's late anyway and when I bring someone home, they stay the night" I grin. He turns red and I look at him.

"Not in that way you perve" I say as I laugh at him.
"Yeah, I didn't do that in a while" I tease with a smirk and wink in his direction. He immediately looks away and I laugh at him.

"I'll walk you home" I say. I really don't want him to figure out where I live.
"What about you?" He asks.
"It's all good. I'll call a taxi or Lucas or someone" I say as I brush him off.

"Umm, don't make me regret this" he says, unsure.

"You can stay the night. It's late and Lucas might be sleeping. I don't want you to waste your money on a taxi" he says.
"That's nice of you but I'm fine" I say with a shake of my head.

"It's late. My house isn't far. It's just one night" he says.
"Fine, quite the gentlemen you are" I say, actually impressed.

We finally leave the restaurant with our game plan. We walk to his place.

"I bet you do this with every girl" I tease.
"No, nobody is interested in me" he says. I stare at him.


"You're kidding, right?" I ask.
"What?" He says again.

"Have you checked your eyes lately? People swarm around you. The girls at your work drool over you. I'm telling you, you're eye candy. Seriously, is there something wrong with your eyesight?" I ask, actually concerned how anyone can be this dense.

"Let me rephrase that. I am interested in a certain someone but it doesn't seem like she likes me back" he tells me, a bit sadly.

"Don't be sad. I am sure this girl likes you back. I mean, look at you, you're the whole package" I try to encourage him. He simply shakes his head.

"What's the girl's name. I can definitely help you out" I say with determination.
"Oh look, we're here" he says with a relieved sigh.

He puts in his keys and we enter his home.
"This is my house" he proudly says as he gives me a tour.

His house is small but cosy, enough for two people to live. I have actually been to his house before, for research and he is obsessed with his work. He always brings work with him and hangs cases and what might help on his walls. He keeps his place fairly tidy and ruins the cleanliness with his work laying everywhere.

"You will be sleeping in here" he says as he switches on the lights to the guest room.

"Nice, thanks. I appreciate it" I say with a smile.
"No problem" he sheepishly says as he rubs his neck.

"Let's eat some sweets" I tell him as I walk to my sweets.
"No, it's late. You won't be able to sleep" he says.

"Fine, tomorrow then" I say.
"I'll be going to work tomorrow so you can leave when I leave" he says.

"No way, you wake up way too early" I say with a shake of my head.
"What do you propose we do then?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"I'll stay here until you get back or I lock up your house and leave. I'll drop ofd the keys at your work" I say. He thinks about it.

"You promise to lock up my house?" he asks, looking me dead in the eye.
"For sure, if anyone is going to rob you, it's gonna be me. I won't let no pathetic small time excuse of a robber steal from you" I say with determination.

"That's what I'm worried about" he says as he sighs.

"I won't rob you. You spent the whole day with me and I had fun. Why do I want you angry at me?" I reason with him.
"I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too" he says with a smile. Did he listen to the rest of my argument?

"Let's go to sleep. Do you have something I can wear?" I ask.
"Yeah. Give me a second" he says as he rushes to his room. I look into his fridge and it's all healthy options. No thank you. I get a glass of water and he comes back.

"Here, there's a shower in the guest room" he says as he hands me clothes.
"Thanks. Wanna join me" I tease with a wink. He gets red real quick.

"No!" He says and runs out the room. I smile at his childish antics.

I figure I should text Lucas. I text him that I will be back tomorrow. I get ready for bed and use the clothes Jungkook gave me.

It was his own winter pajamas. I pull it on and it's a little big but not a whole lot. I am a bit bigger than most girls since I have muscles because my stealing demands it of me. I am also tall so the sleeves are only a little longer. It won't bother me though. I walk to Jungkook's room and knock on his door. He opens the door immediately.

"I just wanted to say, thank you. Today was great. We should do it again sometime. Now, I'm going to give you something that most people won't get" I tell him.

"Wha-" but I already started hugging him.
"A genuine hug" I say as I pull away and smile at him. He pulls me back for the hug and I am actually quite shocked. I didn't expect him to do that.

"Me too" he whispers in my ear. I hug him back.
I try to pull back and he gets the message.

"Night" I tell him as I walk to my temporary room.
"Goodnight" he says back.

(I do not own the video.)

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