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We eventually board the plane, much to Jungkook and Namjoon's dismay. The rest were jumping around the plane, exploring every inch. Yeri wasn't looking too great so I made sure to sit as far as possible away from her. I'll let V deal with her.

Lucas silently sits across from me and starts reading his book. I fish out my phone to listen to some music. I would've connected it to the Bluetooth speakers but I kind of want to disappear for a little, just to calm myself down before I throw someone off the plane.

Maybe I do have anger issues...

I was getting a bit depressed with my own thoughts. I honestly thought Jungkook and I were on better terms now but he still treats me like a criminal. How can I earn his trust?

I don't have high hopes for Namjoon. He may seem all nice on the outside but he's actually not.

Then I feel someone poke me. I turn to see Jimin with a huge smile. I take out one of my earphones.

"This is super exciting. I didn't think I would ever step foot in a private jet-like-ever" he says with a huge smile.

"I'm glad someone's enjoying it" I say, being salty towards the two sitting with their arms crossed, eyeing us as if they were our parents, just waiting for something to happen.

Jin and Yoongi were busy reading while the other two were causing havoc, trying to bother the others.

"Thank you for the invite. I still can't believe I agreed. It feels so surreal" Jimin sheepishly says.
"I'm glad you accepted. I feel like you and me would have a great time" I grin.

"And we'll join you, right Taehyung?" Hoseok pipes in, dragging V with him into the conversation.

"Sounds good" V says with a thumbs up.
"I'm excited to get you all ice-cream. Strawberry, right Jimin?" I say with a wink in his direction.
"For sure" he says with a bit of colour on his cheeks.

V, Hoseok, Jimin and I play games all the way. We play card games, then we play this stupid hand game, then we play 'guess the music' kind of games.

Lucas just watched as I enjoyed myself. Poor Yeri wasn't having such a grand of a time as us. The crew was trying their best to help her.

Yoongi and Namjoon were boring as they slept. Namjoon wasn't as bad as Jungkook who was staring at us, his guard up the entire time. He subtly observed me, making sure I don't do anything.

What is he expecting of me? To crash the plane and jump out while they all go down?

Jin observes us but more in curiosity than in caution. I didn't spend much time with him before we left but I'll change that real soon.

Lucas eventually falls asleep. I know that he gets hazy when flying. I had to hold back Taehyung from drawing on his face though.

We finally land and for some reason, I was stuck with the job for waking everyone up because the moment the doors open, everyone awake rushed out to breathe the French air.

Others-cough-cough-Yeri- desperately needed the fresh air for different reasons.

I woke Lucas up first so that he could help me but as the backstabbing jerk he is-he simply left the job for me. I can't believe that Jin didn't even bother helping me.

I woke Namjoon up first. I poke his squishy cheek. He barely moves. I quickly realized that my tactics wasn't going to work.

I wasn't going to struggle today so I simply called out his name.

"Namjoon, wake up" I say as I lightly kick him. I was, sort of, still not over how rude he was towards me at his work.

He finally stirs awake. He looks around and I'm the first thing he sees.

"We're here" I say but he still struggle to wake himself up.

Since he was awake, I moved on to Yoongi.

"Yoongi" I say as I poke the side of his head.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Namjoon mentions but it's too late as Yoongi stirs awake.

He looks angry and ready to fight with the first thing in his vision. He spots me and instantly calms down as he rubs his face.

"Let's go. We're here" I mention again. He groans but wakes up nevertheless.

Namjoon was shocked but quickly played it off as I walk past him. At this point in time, I really don't care what he thinks.

"It always smells richer here" Jin comments. I heave a sigh of relief.
"I thought I was going crazy" I say with a hand on my chest. He smiles at me.

"Is she ok?" Hoseok asks with genuine concern towards Yeri who looked like she was praying.
"I'm paying my respects to the land" she says keeping one eye closed as she looks at me and shuts it again. 

"Come on now, one plane ride can't change you that much" I say as I yank her up by the shoulder.

She's just embarrassing herself at this point and it's starting to rub off on me.

Once I noticed we were all off the plane, I lead the way back to the airport and organized a more secluded exit during our plane ride. I don't want chaos like before.

Once inside the airport's building, I lead the group as I was busy talking with a few people about the arrangements. None of them understood what we were discussing because we were speaking in French.

Knowing different languages was definitely a good strength to have. It has helped me out of so many situations. Just pretend to be one of the locals and no one suspects you...

But I wasn't that dumb to talk business in front of them, even if it was a different language. I just discussed the extra security and our transport and what was happening now.
We eventually stop talking and carry on walking.

"I didn't know you could speak French" Hoseok says with shining eyes once he has positive I was done talking.
"Just a little bit" I say with a slight laugh.

It seems the group was listening into my conversation, besides Lucas. He already knew everything there was to know about me. He was covering the back with headphones in, clearly not interested in getting comfy with the group.

"That is super cool" Hoseok says with admiration.
"Thanks man" I say with a crooked smile. I notice Jungkook giving me the stink eye.

"What is it now, Jungkookie?" I say in a teasing manner. He freezes a bit at the nickname but quickly shakes it off. I snicker a little at his reaction.

"I didn't know you could speak French either" he casually says but I knew what he actually meant.

He realized that he didn't know me as well as what he thought he did.

We finally reach the back door which should lead to the van. Our luggage should be there already. The guy I spoke to earlier, opened the door for us and climbed into the driver's seat.

"Shouldn't we go through security again?" Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't worry about it. This is the most security we receive" I brush him off.

Technically, he was right because we had to go through all the French's security but I pulled a few strings.

"And our stuff is already here" I say before he can interrogate me any further. Namjoon and Jungkook were the only two who were reluctant to enter the van but followed anyway.

"Ok, plan is to sleep when we get to the hotel" I announce.
"Aww" I hear the disappointments of a few people.

"You're grown men. You don't have to listen to me but I do recommend it" I say and the spirit lifts.

"Then what?" Jungkook says rather impatiently.

"Then you can do whatever you want" I say patiently with a smile.

I can't snap in front of them. Not now-not ever.

(I do not own the video.)

Mama I'm in love (Bts x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz