To my face.

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(This chapter will be sensitive to a few readers. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.)

"Everyone on the ground!" the police enters the scene, all of them armed and pointing at someone, wearing bulletproof vests.

"We're not doing anything illegal" Yoongi tries to deal with them.
"That's where you're wrong. Thank you officers, take them away" I grin as I watch everything unfold. I know they're not gonna go down easy. Now just Namjoon.

Jungkook shows up with a mic in his hand.
"Everyone, place your weapons on the floor with your hands up" he announces through the mic. He does not look happy, eyebrows furrowed and everything.

"We're only here for her" one of Yoongi's guys says, pointing right at me with his gun.

"You all are under arrest for illegal conduct" Jungkook carries.
"We didn't do nothing!" Yoongi's guys get defensive.

"Attention everyone. You are currently a target. Back out now if you don't trust Min Yoongi. You have five minutes to decide" Namjoon's voice announces through speakers from somewhere.

Red dots appear on each individual, especially Yoongi. Everyone was aiming at someone at this point.

"Everyone, please calm down" Jungkook announces.

I see that Yoongi's guys are frantically asking Yoongi what to do next. Everyone looked nervous, even the police. Their eyes were trying to take in the entire situation, trying to look people in the eye.

Then, all hell broke loose as someone started shouting and it was like a chain reaction. The police was starting to get more aggressive, Yoongi's guys tried to appear just as aggressive and threatening even if all odds were against them. Everyone still had a red dot on them.

"I see why you didn't want to come down" Yoongi calls out to me among the shouting of people. The shouting lessened.

"I'll be done in a second" I say as I climb on top of the railing, keeping my balance like a pro. Yoongi and Jungkook's eyes went hilariously wide.

"Wait! Wait!" Namjoon frantically screams through the speakers.
"Suicide is not the answer!" Jungkook shouts through the speaker, looking angry at me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You think you'll be free if you kill yourself?!" Yoongi shouts. It seems he's only grasping at loose straws.

It doesn't look like he actually means his words. He just wants to say something to stop me.

"Why are we going through all this trouble for this girl?!" someone shouts. A lot of shouts of agreement comes through, mainly Yoongi's people. I fire two shots into the air for everyone to shut up.

"This is my last moments so let it be MY last moments! Thank you" I smile but instantly lose it.

"This world truly is crap! Now I know I ain't no saint-and that's it!" I say and I take my final bow, leaning off the railing.

I instantly regret-

Jimin's point of view:

~One year later~

"It still doesn't feel real" Hoseok breaks the silence as we stand around her grave. This is the one day Jungkook overlooks Namjoon and Yoongi's presence.

They're still wanted criminals. That shock didn't nearly come as close as (Y/N)'s death.
Once again, silence.

I didn't know how to feel. I just couldn't believe such a strong person could die.

Mama I'm in love (Bts x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat