Chapter 12 Stuck with you part 1

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He subtly turned towards it and for a good minute, stopped breathing. There was the goddamn Akabane girl leaning against a tree sucking a lolipop.
Gakushu couldn't help but think she looked so goddamn cute like that. She was wearing a short red skirt and a plain white blouse, she wasn't wearing her usual black jacket either, and her long red hair was tied to a simple fishtail braid.

In short, she looked as pretty as she does everyday---he kicked himself for thinking that. And then anger strucked him. How dare she act so carefree while he was suffering?! And pretty?! wtf?! Akabane is NOT PRETTY!

no, that was lie. She's gorgeous-


oh he wasn't letting her off the hook now, not when she doesn't know his presence! pacing towards her he resisted the cold smile but emmidiatly failed when he got near enough to punch her. But he couldn't do that, if she was a boy though that was another story.

"Hello Akabane" he hissed, punching the tree with his palm. Usually, the girls at his school called this the 'kamedon'

'The Wall Slam' move

but he had a feeling that was done in a romantic context. What he was feeling was borderline murderous

Karma lifted her haid and gave him a scrutinizing look. "Can I help you Asano-kun?"

Gakushu blinked taken aback. How did she recognise him?! He was wearing a disguise, incognito! contact lenses and everything!

"how do you know it's me?" he demanded crossing his arms. The red haired girl sighed, licking her lolipop before speaking. "You're clothes are too neat and well ironed for a typical delinquent, no creases whatsoever. I can see the contact lenses and your hair is still the same pinky colour, although the messy style looks really hot-"

Gakushu raised a brow

"-ignore that. And you still smell like lemona--forget it" Karma finnished. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling becaus their faces were so close. But why the fuck would she smile?

"Fine. Whatever" he admitted defeat

"So what do you want? And make it quick I'm in the middle of a game" smirking, the girl added "or have you perhaps bought what I asked for?"

That was it. The red head didn't had time to process what the fuck was happening, she just found herself picked up by the strawberry blonde boy and carried towards the store like a princess. "What the--ASANO-BAKA PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!" the poor girl screamed, face reddening as people began to stare, some had even taken out their phones.

"Asano-baka!" Karma screamed and wailed, punching and hitting the boy's chest. "If I'm going down, you're going down with me" Gakushu smirked evily at the girl's anger and humilliation. Haha serves her right!

But no, the red devil wasn't going to back down without a fight. She jumped out of his arms, pulled out something from her skirt pocket, and attached it to his wrist.

"What the-HANDCUFFS?!"

he yelled when he noticed the cold thing on his wrist and realized what she was trying to do- handcuff him to a pole. But no, he hadn't been doing martial arts for no reason and fought for controll. "Let go!" Karma yelled struggling to get the other part of the menacles on the metal pole nearby. Despite having trained with Koro sensei and his class, Asano was also very skilled and, given the fact he was a boy and still ten times stronger physically, he had the upper hand.

And that was how she found herself bound to him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"That's what I should be saying! And why the hell do you carry handcuffs around in your pocket?!"

"I always carry tools around in case a creep or weirdo tries to assault me! like you did!"

"Assault?! you tried to strap me to a pole!"

"You grabbed me!"


People stared at them in horror, disgust, and some looked amused. The teenagers froze in horror. "They heard us" Karma whispered

"They heard us" Gakushu agreed not even daring to turn around.

"why don't we just...flee?"

"Good idea" Gakushu agreed.

The two of them silently walked away from there, not even daring to look up from the ground. When they were far enough from the previous place, they stopped and focused on another problem.

"I don't have the keys" The girl admitted. Gakushu's eye twitched. "You were going to handcuff me to a pole without a key?!"

"No" the girl lied shamelessly.

Gakushu groaned and was about to think about his place in the universe and question his entire existance....when an idea entered his mind. Gakushu chuckled darkly sending shivers up Karma's spine. "Well whatever, this is actually in my favor, you wanted to buy condoms? let's go buy the condoms"

Karma realized she just got...well, 'karma' again.

The only one(Fem Karma x Asano)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz