He sat me on the side of the wall, while he took the outside seat. He wouldn't want anyone - boys, more specifically - brushing past me. I scooted as far away as I could from him, pushing myself against the wall. But my attempt at putting distance between us didn't work, because he just scooted with me, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing circles there.

When I glanced at him disdainfully, he just smirked, as usual.

The whole class period, he sat glued to me, much to my misery.

And that was Puck for you - my ultimate nightmare.

»« »« »«

I was going to be in so much trouble. Puck was going to be angry as hell when he found out I wasn't coming to meet him in the school parking lot so he could take me home.

I was currently hiding out in the library, sitting in a secluded nook in the back, pretending to read a book. Surely, Puck wouldn't find me here...right? But my subconscious reminded me that he always found me, that he always knew where I was like the creep he is.

But I had never attempted to hide in the library from him. He couldn't possibly find me. Maybe this was my lucky day...

Sighing in relief, I settled further into the beanbag I sat on, allowing myself to relax and start on my homework. I'd stay here all day if it meant I'd be able to avoid Puck.

But the universe was never on my side, for at that exact moment, Aiden - one of Puck's friends sauntered up to one of the bookshelves. I froze, holding my breath and hoping against hope that he wouldn't see me. But of course, he did.

A devilish smile lit up his face when he saw me and I shrunk back in fear. Chuckling, he approached me and bent down on one knee so we were eye-level. "Oh, ho, ho, ho. You're in big trouble, missy," he said.

"Please," I begged, shutting my eyes and knowing he would never listen to me, despite how much I begged.

Aiden grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me up, dragging me with him as we exited the library. I didn't stop muttering "Please" under my breath, but he didn't listen - no one ever did.

"Hey, Puck," he called when we reached the parking lot. Puck was pacing around his car, looking furious, and it only added to my fear. "Hey, Puck, I found your girl."

Puck's face immediately snapped up, his dark eyes burning holes into me as he strode up to us and grabbed me from Aiden. "You made a very big mistake, Polly," he whispered into my ear.

Oh no, I thought. He always called me "doll"...unless he was really angry. And right now, he was exactly that.

"I'm s-sorry," I stuttered, shaking as I racked my brain for an excuse. "I w-was doing homework...in the library, and-and f-forgot. Please, I-I'm sorry..."

Puck glared down at me viciously, signaling for Aiden to leave with a snap of his fingers before he slammed me against his car. I let out a small cry of pain as my back collided with metal.

"I reminded you multiple times," he yelled. "It's not something you just forget!"

By this point, tears were forming in my eyes and I tried my hardest to push them down. "I'm s-sorry," I choked, looking away from his intense gaze.

From the corner of my eye, I swear I saw his features soften a bit, but the look is gone just as soon as it came. Instead, he stared at me blankly as my bottom lip trembled.

Finally, he opened the passenger side door of his expensive car for me before walking around and getting in himself. Without buckling his seatbelt, he started the car and drove out of the parking lot, ignoring me for the whole drive.

 Without buckling his seatbelt, he started the car and drove out of the parking lot, ignoring me for the whole drive

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next update: saturday! :)

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