And she was so naive . She thought humans dont lie. Or kill.

And more of that. She fell in love with his handsome looks.

Day by day .

He never wanted to go. And forgot about revenge

Soon she realised that he was lying but never told him . In fact she enjoyed his stay. She was always alone. But when he was there . She could laugh and smile.

Everyday . He told her a new story . Telling her about the outer world.

And of course soon her crush turned to love .

But she was never sure that he felt same or not.

But one day . In night .. infront of the lake . That cherry blossom trees around it. They were sitting on green spot together.
Drinking The Jasmine tea.
The prince was telling her about a story and she wasnt focusing even . She was admiring his alluring lips and his shiny black eyes.

"JiHea yah .. are you listening?" He woke her up from the daydreaming.
"Yes yes of course" she said. Embarrassed that he noticed that she wasnt focusing.

" And the Man told the princess that he loved her.. and kissed her" he continued .
"Kissed? Why?" She said widen her eyes, curiously
"Humans kiss the people they love on their lips to show how much they love them" he said while taking the falling cherry blossom's leaves from her golden hair.
"But isnt that disgusting kissing people on their mouths?" She pointed at her lips.

She didnt know that made the prince's heart skip beats insanely. He gulped as he saw her red lips.

The fact that the prince already fell for her since that day she showed him her spells and magic. And now he isnt just only crushing. But loving her deep.

"Have you ever Experienced love?" He asked.

She shake her head in refuse.
"What about your parents?! Havent you loved them?"he said.
"I dont have parents. I was born from the seed of the cherry blossom trees" she pointed at the tree with the falling leaves falling.
"Then ... Ah .. then .." he stuttered.
" then what?" She said.
"What ifff.."
"What if what?" She said as she came closer.
"I-I-I l-l-lo-ove y-y-yo-o-u" he stuttered as he nervously was sweating.
"What?" She didnt get the word at all.
"are you sick again? Why are you sweating?" She said. As she reached her hands to his temple. But he moved his head further in shock by her action. What made her fall on his body.

He burned in Red while she didnt care because she was so immature and naive. She checked his temple.
"Oh! Its fine" she was about to get up but he pressed on her shoulder to stay.

She looked at him. She always has loved these lips of his. He gulped again.
"Do you want to try a kiss?" He said. His cheeks were red.
"Oh! Sure .. but how?" She said.
"Its Like this" he said as he brushed her hair . As his lips pressed on her lips. At first her heart skipt beats like crazy. She thought she was dying . But no.

His lips were very soft and sweet.

She gave up to the magic of his kiss. And kissed back.

The feeling was both new for her and him . Since it was his first kiss after all. And her first as well as her first crush.

Their kiss got passionate. As the fairy did some magic making the leaves fall faster. Filling the beautiful lake.

As soon as the broke it . He was amazed by the view.

CHERRY BLOSSOM'S PETAL (JUNGKOOK,OC)Where stories live. Discover now